Cassidy Gardner is a woman who came into the ER after falling down a flight of stairs.
Cassidy came into the ER after falling down the stairs into her basement. Her son, Henry, came home and called 911 when he found her. In the ER, an ultrasound showed abdominal bleeding and that she was pregnant. She was upset that she was still pregnant, leading Owen to believe she'd thrown herself down the stairs to induce abortion. He told Amelia about his concern and Amelia went to talk to Cassidy herself in the hopes of figuring out what happened. Amelia explained that Cassidy needed surgery, but surgery would put the fetus at risk, so she needed to know if Cassidy wanted to continue the pregnancy. Cassidy said she couldn't afford another child. She was already struggling with just Henry. Owen asked her if she tried to abort by throwing herself down the stairs. She said she hadn't. She'd never do anything that could take her away from Henry. She had tried to go to a clinic with financial assistance, but something always came up and she couldn't go. So she used an herb she found on the internet and doubled it to make sure it would work. But the herb made her dizzy, which is how she fell down the stairs. Amelia said if she didn't want to continue the pregnancy, Owen could have someone from OB come during her surgery and do the abortion after the bleeding was controlled. However, Owen immediately contradicted that and said he'd rather deal with the bleeding and then deal with the pregnancy after she was done. Cassidy had her surgery and afterward, Amelia got a nurse from OB to come give her the first pill to induce abortion. The nurse explained that she'd take another pill at home and that she might have some discomfort as the pregnancy released and she had to follow up with an OB to make sure it worked and she didn't have an infection.
She is a single mother to her son Henry. She says Henry is a great kid and is happy with the little she can give him.
She works at two different restaurants to make ends meet.