Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki
Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

Chuck Thompson is a man who swallowed a fish at his bachelor party which then got stuck.


Chuck was at a bar for his bachelor party. He and his friends kept daring each other to swallow fish out of the aquarium. Chuck ended up pulling out the largest fish, a bronze catfish, and swallowed it. It had spines which then lodged in his throat making it hard for him to breathe. His friend, Evan, brought him to the hospital, but accidentally slammed his hand in the door on the way out, further injuring him. In the ER, they determined he'd need surgery to repair his hand and extract the fish. After his surgery, he was told his throat would be uncomfortable for a while, but he'd be okay. However, his fiancée, Roxanne, came to his hospital room and pointed out how stupid what he did was, as part of a series of stupid things. She ended their relationship and left.



He was engaged to Roxanne until she ended their engagement because she said he was stupid.


He and Evan are friends.
