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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki
Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

Claudia Jenkins is a cancer patient who wanted a baby.


Claudia Jenkins had stage II adenocarcinoma. After following Wyatt Lockhart's aggressive protocol of chemotherapy and radiation, she was in full remission. Wyatt called in Naomi Bennett because Claudia wanted a baby. After speaking with Claudia, who hadn't believed she'd beat the cancer initially, Naomi agreed to help her get pregnant. ("Worlds Apart")

Naomi implanted ovarian tissue into Claudia's abdomen, but it didn't take. However, they still had the other half of the ovarian tissue. Naomi said they could implant it deeper, which would give her a better chance. In order to get that accomplished, they called in Addison Forbes Montgomery to do the surgery. She agreed.

In surgery, Addison saw the the tissue was extremely friable and determined that the risk of implanting ovarian tissue in the area was too risky. She decided to close and had to tell Claudia that the surgery wasn't successful. ("Contamination")

Notes and Trivia[]

  • She was 35 at the time of her remission.[1]





  1. Worlds Apart, 2x10 (PP)