Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki
Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

Connie Harris is the mother of Sam Harris.


Connie got into an argument with her son, Sam, which escalated to the point where their neighbor called the police. Crisis One responded and found Connie calm and blaming the television for the noise. Ben noticed her dialysis port was red, which could indicate infection, and she allowed him to come in to clean it up. As he was working on her, Sam came into the room and yelled at her. He was upset that she had allowed strangers into their home and demanded that they leave. While Sam was outside, Ben explained to Gloria that she could trigger a "red flag" law and get Sam's guns taken away temporarily to avoid an incident where he used them to hurt someone. Connie was insistent that he was a good boy and that it wasn't a problem, but while they were talking, they heard gun shots and went outside to see that Sam had fired two warning shots after getting into an argument with the neighbor. Sam claimed self-defense and argued that the dog attacked him, leaving him with only a citation for discharging a gun in a residential area. Connie and Sam then told the firefighters they could leave.

Later, Connie came to the station and asked Ben to take away Sam's guns. He showed her how to access the petition online.



Her son, Sam, lives with her. When she began to fear that he would hurt her or someone else, she petitioned to have his guns removed from the home.
