Give It All is the seventh episode of the seventh season and the 102nd overall episode of Station 19.
Short Summary[]
The crew responds to a call at a local park, only to have their assumptions challenged by the Tulalip Tribe when they arrive. Meanwhile, Maya confronts her past, and Carina goes on the offense.
Full Summary[]
As she walks around the house, Carina rehearses her testimony with Maya. She puts Liam in his car seat and declares herself ready to clear her name and get back to what really matters. Maya's proud of her. Carina's ready for it to be over because it's taken so much time and energy. Maya reminds her to keep her cool. Carina reminds Maya to set a timer for her HCG shot. Maya grabs the medicine from the fridge and sets an alarm on her phone. Maya reminds Carina to replace her hormone patch. Carina watches Maya pack the diaper bag and suggests leaving a few things at home, which makes Maya cry. Liam also starts crying, so Carina picks him up and says they all need to take some deep breaths. Maya worries that her genes will ruin their baby, but Carina says her dad's cruelty isn't genetic. She wishes Maya didn't have to work today, but Maya says she'll be fine because she's on inspections. Carina has her take a deep breath.
Ben tries to get Bailey back into bed for round two. She says she has a list of things to do that require her to be upright. Ben does pushups then gets up and tries to kiss her again.
Beckett tells Ben it's not nice to flaunt his metabolism. He says he's a new man. Maya comes up behind Travis and despite warning him, he turns and runs into her sensitive chest, causing her to wince. The shots make her feel like her nipples are going to explode, she says as she puts her medicine in the fridge. Vic comes in and Travis jokes about Maya's hormones, making her laugh sarcastically. He says it's lovely that such a sunny disposition will be passed to another person, but plays it off as a joke when Maya glares at him. Vic sees Andy poring over books at the table and asks if they're still making budget cuts. Andy tells her not to worry because she can handle it. Sullivan comes in just as the engine gets called out.
Steve, Wendy's lawyer, says her testimony will reflect that will show that Carina's actions resulted in Nina's cerebral palsy and that she was negligent. The judge, Eleanor, invites Ms. Reed, Carina's lawyer, to give her opening statement as Carina watches Wendy from across the table.
The team pulls up to the site and sees smoke. As they approach, they see a gender reveal party in the distance. Vic hopes they're not doing something like that for Carina. Sullivan points out that Maya would hate it. The team runs into Julie and Rose, who demand they stop, as it's a private event. Julie sends Rose to get Elliott and then says it's a controlled ceremony and they have a permit. They're holding a prayer ceremony for an elder who is in the ICU. It can't be interrupted. Andy says they have one minute to produce the permit or she and her team will go through whomever they have to.
Beckett times Ben and Travis as they race with dummies. Ben wins and celebrates. Travis protests that he's chemically enhanced. They hear sirens and honking outside, so Beckett puts the door up and Theo drives in. He tried to call them. He brought them Paula Kelly, a construction worker they found trying to pull a nail out of her arm. Dominic says it was Theo's suggestion to bring her there. Theo introduces Dominic and says the nail seems to have missed major arteries, as seen on the ultrasound. Travis is surprised they have an ultrasound in their ambulance and Dominic says they have a lot of fancy things in there. Ben asks why they didn't take her to Grey Sloan. Theo starts to say why, but Paula interjects and says she can't afford another worker's compensation claim. She'll get fired. Beckett suggests lying, but hospitals leave paper trails, so they will find out. Paula insists she'll get it out, that she's done something like this before. Ben tells her to relax and says they'll take care of it.
Maya and Cutler arrive in a neighborhood. Maya tells him to take the blocks on the west and she'll do the east and they'll meet back at the car. As he walks away, Maya checks the incident report from the protester at Pride, Collin Fowler, which has his address, the building in front of her. She walks around and finds the apartment. She rings the bell and then knocks, but gets no answer. Then Mason comes up behind her, returning home with groceries. She says she wanted to talk to him. He says he doesn't have anything to say to her, but agrees to give her ten minutes. He unlocks the door and they go inside.
Mason asks Maya what she wants. She says she doesn't know, but after seeing him at Pride, she wanted to talk. She asks if he believes that crap, if that's who he is now. She's known him her entire life and she's confused. He's not full of hate. They grew up together and she knows him. He says she doesn't know him. She knows herself, which is all she ever cared about. She sees a painting on the wall and asks if it's one of his. He says it is. She asks him to tell her who he is, because she wants to understand. She refuses to leave until they talk. She knocks a bottle of oil out of his hands and it spill on a rug. She apologizes and starts to wash it in the sink, asking him to let her help.
Andy says time is up and Julie asks for one more minute. Rose suddenly runs up and says Elliott is coming. Elliott arrives with the permit and explains that he's a fire captain for the reservation fire station and he's the one who called them, not because of the ceremony but because of the gender reveal party. They have explosives and he's worried they'll start a fire. He tried to tell them not to do anything stupid, but they refused to listen. Andy apologizes just as they see the smoke bombs activate, pouring out blue smoke. Embers fly, causing several spot fires. Andy sends Sullivan with Larsson and Wiggins to put the fires out while Vic goes to find a hydrant. Elliott offers his help, so Andy tells her team to get him some turnouts.
Dominic listens to the radio as other calls come in. Theo tells him to turn it off, but he doesn't want to get into more trouble. The IV in Paula's arm blows so they have to start another one. Beckett sends Theo and Dominic to get supplies.
Dominic says they'll have to report it eventually and Theo promises to take the heat. Dominic is worried they'll lose their jobs to protect Paula's. Dominic says he's a grown man and Theo didn't make him do anything. Travis comes in and he's surprised at Theo because he used to be the stickler for the rules. Dominic finds that hard to imagine. Theo grabs what he came for, knocking a box on the floor. He leaves Travis and Dominic to clean it up. Dominic asks Travis if they always bring in rogue clients and Travis says they color outside the lines sometimes. Now Dominic knows where Theo gets it.
Wendy testifies to the events of Nina's birth. When she was first born, she was blue and didn't cry immediately. She says Carina let her baby suffocate and then handed the baby to her with a smile. Ms. Reed objects to that. Then there were lots of tests and appointments to get her diagnosed. Her life is filled with appointments. Ms. Reed objects again, saying what she's saying is irrelevant to Carina's role in the delivery. The objection is sustained. Steve asks about the expense of Nina's condition. As Wendy starts to say she's almost bankrupt, Ms. Reed objects again. Steve has no further questions.
They're ready to give Paul pain medication and then pull the nail out, to Paula's relief. Beckett still doesn't understand why they'd fire her. She says they'll fire people for any reason. More calls come in and Dominic suggests they leave Paula there and come back to pick her up later. Ben says that's fine, but before they can leave, the ladder truck and aid car are called out. Ben needs Dominic and Theo to stay to help.
Maya washes the rug and tells Mason it'll be fine. He tells her she's not helping and grabs the rug. He says this is their house and it's his job to keep it looking nice. He throws the rug in the trash and says they all contribute. He insists that they uphold the traditions of their country and the people who built it. A man used to be able to raise a family on one salary. Maya says he's brainwashed, but his brothers warned him about this stupidity. Men like them are despised, but Maya asks what he's talking about because they were the ones screaming at innocent people. She's just confused because they used to make up stories together. He made them have a funeral for the dead mouse in the garage. The Mason she knows is talented. Mason asks where she was when their dad burned his pictures or when he wanted to go to art school. All the money went to her training and the men he lives with are his brothers now. They helped him get clean and hung his art on the wall. He matters to them. No one ever told him that before. Maya tells him he mattered to her. She asks him to let her get him out of this place so he can see what that feels like. She wants him to move in with her. He doesn't know what real family feels like and she wants to show him.
Steve questions Carina, who defends the decision she made the day Nina was born. She's had other patients deliver in similar conditions and have healthy babies. She gave Nina and Wendy excellent care and things didn't go perfectly, not due to negligence, but nature. Once he's done, Ms. Reed asks Carina what she'd do differently today. Carina says nothing.
Andy radios for an ETA on her backup. They have several fires and they're still evacuating civilians. Emma, the mother, asks her husband, Tyler, why he got so many boom kits. He says he bought them online because he didn't know the gender until this morning. Andy tells them they need to clear their van out. They need more water for the fires that keep popping up. Just then, the ladder truck and aid car arrive. Sullivan sees embers fly into the back of Emma and Tyler's van while the couple continues to stand there and argue. He warns them to get away and pushes Tyler out of the way just as they start to go off, starting even more fires.
Paula's still in pain and Ben realizes the local anesthetic and pain meds aren't enough. Paula's fingers are tingly, a bad sign, so he says he'll have to numb her whole arm to remove the nail. Dominic and Theo get called, but Theo says they ran into engine trouble and stopped at station 19 for help. They decide to move Paula to the conference room so he can do an ultrasound-guided removal with a regional block. As they move, Dominic pops the hood of the ambulance and pulls something out. He knows they'll check the engine.
Maya says Mason could go to school and study art and get a job. He asks if she wants him to pay rent. She says he could, but she doesn't need him to. He asks if she really wants him to come live with her. She wants to show him there's another way. He says he didn't need her help when he was on the streets and he doesn't need it now. He insists that the men he lives with are his family. She says they harass innocent people and he asks why she cares so much. She says they're her people. He's harassing her and her community.
Elliott tells Andy they have a problem and shows her a tree that's on fire. It's in danger of igniting a canopy, which would put his people in danger. Andy's team isn't trained in tree felling, but he is. Andy gives him the equipment he needs and offers to spot him.
Theo distracts Paula by asking how she got into construction while Ben works. She says her dad was pretty handy, so she turned to construction when she couldn't make a living with her degree. She's pretty good at it, but her bosses don't treat her well. Dominic understands. He took the private job because the money's good. He loves helping people, but when his marriage ended, his ex-husband left him with nothing. Paula thinks his ex-husband should hang out with her ex-wife because they'd get along great. Ben has Theo hold the wand while he injects lidocaine.
Carina replaces her hormone patch in a bathroom stall. She overhears Wendy asking about appointments on the phone and then a wait list. Carina exits the stall and washes her hands. Then Wendy congratulates her on her excellent care, but says her winning will mean Nina loses again.
Dominic asks Paula if she considered doing something less dangerous for a living. She could say the same to them. She's just trying to hold it together until she can retire. She's feeling no pain as Ben gets ready to work. He offers for her to turn away, but she wants to see it.
Elliott cuts into the tree while the other firefighters put out the fires.
Ben cuts into Paula's arm.
An officer comes to talk to Tyler and Emma. They take Tyler away.
Ben pulls out the nail.
The tree is successfully felled and Andy says they need to get some water on it.
Steve thinks they should have allowed experts to testify, but Eleanor says everything relevant is in the written testimony. Ms. Reed has no objection to him calling any experts. Carina suddenly interjects to ask if she can leave. Eleanor says the respondent usually stays until the end, but if counsel has no objection, she can leave. Ms. Reed doesn't object, so Carina gets up. She gives Wendy her number, asking her to call, because the lawsuit doesn't have anything to do with either of them and she can put Wendy in touch with people who can actually help her and get back to work helping people.
Mason asks if Maya means she's gay. She says she's bisexual. He thinks she's just confused and has daddy issues. She says she has a wife and they're trying to adopt a son. She's building a family. Mason asks if he really wants him to move in with her when she has a wife and kid. He challenges her to call her wife and let her know Uncle Mason's coming and he'll pack his bags. He knows their fatherless child will need a male role model when he tells the other kids he has two moms. Maya says she wants Mason to be part of her life, but she can't do that if he won't accept her. He says he has to accept her and her "choices," but she doesn't have to accept his. Maya says she can agree to disagree about anything except her humanity. She's just trying to exist and his "brothers" hate her for it. Mason says that's because she's poisoning the country and she shouldn't be allowed to have children. Maya realizes he's their dad. Then he corrects that he's worse than their dad. She came there trying to save him, but now she knows it's not possible. He can never be part of her life like this. He can't touch the beautiful life she's create because he would ruin it. She has love like they never knew existed when they were kids. She wanted him to have it, too, but he doesn't want it and she won't risk losing it. Her phone chimes, reminding her that she needs to take her shot in five minutes. She tells him she has to go and tells him goodbye.
Maya cries as she walks away.
Theo works under the hood and apologizes for putting Dominic in a tough spot. Dominic understands why Theo loves the station. Theo asks Dominic to help him, but Dominic admits that he broke it, but he has no idea how to fix it.
Vic asks Elliott if he learned his skills in training. He says they do a lot of specialized training to help them deal with the changing weather. Vic would love to have that with climate change. Elliott invites them to come train with his team, but Andy says it's not in the budget. He tells her their station gets funding from many different sources, so he has them covered. Julie adds that the department is very involved with the tribe. The know how to take care of each other. Now Andy and her team are part of that. She invites Andy to come with them.
Julie, Rose, and Elliott lead Andy toward the ceremony. They instruct her to hold her hands palm-side up and drape a blanket around her. She honored them by protecting their ceremony and now they want to honor her.
The team returns. They're surprised to see Theo there. Vic asks how the job is going with the rich and paranoid. Travis says he can't do his job without being a savior. Paula has the nail in a specimen cup. She tells them she's going to mail it to her ex-wife with no note. Dominic sees Vic and tells her it's nice to put a face to the name. He's heard a lot about her, all good. Andy calls everyone for a meeting in ten minutes. Beckett invites Theo and Dominic to join them at Joe's after shift is over. He assures Vic that if he handled his uncle's wake, he can handle Joe's. Dominic looks at Travis and says they'll be there.
Maya cries as she tries to get the needle into the vial. Beckett comes in and says Andy called a meeting in ten minutes. He goes to leave, but Maya calls herself an idiot and says she ruined it. She missed the window. Beckett offers his help. He helped his ex-wife with hers. Maya hands him the needle and the vial. He washes his hands as she tells him about finding her brother and realizing she can't have him in her life. She is horrified that she cut him off and thinks she's a horrible person. Beckett says she did what she needed to do. She asks why it feels like someone died. Beckett says that's "ambitious loss" according to Vic. It hurts, but she had to make a choice. It was between him and herself. He draws up the syringe and, with her permission, injects it. Then he tells her she's already a great mother.
Andy tells the team she's stuck and she needs their help. She still has to make cuts to the budget and she wants to be the kind of captain who asks for help when she needs it. She's out of ideas. Beckett asks if she needs some of them to think about early retirement. She says they retire when they're ready to. The point is to preserve 19. Vic hates to say this, because they fought so hard to save it, but she suggests Crisis One. Talking to Elliott gave her an idea. They can try to get it funded through several other sources, so it's not coming from the department's budget. Andy says these are the kinds of ideas they need. Travis offers up his contacts in politics while Beckett has some with the union and Sullivan has some at the VA. They all start talking.
Ben comes home to a sleeping Bailey. He wakes her with a kiss. She asks him to let her sleep, but he's been thinking about her all day. She loves all the changes, but asks him what's going on. He admits he's been taking testosterone. She asks if he really thinks she didn't know, as his wife and a doctor. She figured he'd tell her when he was ready for her to know. He's been stressed about telling her. She knows it can be wonderful for people who need it, but he needs to think about why it was so hard for him to tell her.
Maya comes home and Carina accidentally brushes her chest with a box, causing her to flinch. Carina apologizes and says she got Maya pastries to celebrate the trigger shot. She's worried she screwed it up, but Carina says they just need to do the retrieval a little later. Plus she faced her brother, so that's worth celebrating. Maya thinks they should be celebrating Carina and asks when they'll have the final verdict. Carina says it'll be a couple weeks, but she doesn't feel right celebrating that. She opens the box and Maya asks if she got pastries that look like exploding nipples on purpose. Carina admits that that's what they look like.
Theo and Dominic open the bar. Travis offers Theo a mocktail, but Theo is distracted by Vic and walks away. Travis offers the drink to Dominic instead. Dominic is more of a whiskey buy, but when he hears that one of them is newly sober, he takes the drink. Travis invites him to play darts, which he accepts. They both know that Theo is still in love with Vic. Travis says Vic is great. She's his best friend and he would marry her if it wouldn't trap her in a sexless marriage. Dominic had one of those, which ended in a messy divorce. You know what they say: never marry your best friend. Travis says they say the opposite of that. He did it and it worked out for him. But maybe it would have ended in divorce if he had lived. Travis admits he often thinks about things they never go to do together.
Ross is pleased with Andy for involving her team. Sullivan called her and told her about it. She offers her help.
Theo sits down with Vic. She got his voicemails. He says he was just worried after the press conference. That wasn't her proudest moment, but she appreciates him checking on her. He says she was always there for him despite him being a bad boyfriend and icing her out when he was captain. Vic is upset that he's apologizing for that now. Vic knows she's not perfect, but he cheated on her. He reminds her that they were broken up. He's happy to have her back.
Andy leads the team to start dancing when the music changes. She makes Beckett join them.
Ross and Sullivan kiss and undress each other.
Bailey pushes Ben back onto the bed and opens her robe.
Carina grabs two pastries from the box and feeds the icing from one to a blindfolded Maya, who is trying to kiss her. Maya grabs Carina's butt and pulls her toward her. Carina moves away and Maya removes the blindfolding, then jumps off the counter and goes over to Carina, closing the refrigerator door.
Vic and Theo kiss and undress each other.
Main Cast[]
- Jaina Lee Ortiz as Captain Andy Herrera
- Jason George as Dr. Ben Warren
- Boris Kodjoe as Lieutenant Robert Sullivan
- Barrett Doss as Victoria Hughes
- Jay Hayden as Travis Montgomery
- Danielle Savre as Lieutenant Maya Bishop
- Stefania Spampinato as Dr. Carina DeLuca
- Carlos Miranda as Lieutenant Theo Ruiz
- Josh Randall as Sean Beckett
- Merle Dandridge as Fire Chief Natasha Ross
Special Guest Star[]
Guest Stars[]
- Johnny Sibilly as Dominic Amaya
- Cameron Cowperthwaite as Mason Bishop
- Christina Moses as Wendy Wilson
- Gregory Cruz as Captain Elliott Henderson
- Cameron Esposito as Paula Kelly
- Kimberly Guerrero as Julie
- Jonathan Del Arco as Steve
- Azita Ghanizada as Shannon Reed
- Nanrisa Lee as Eleanor
Tallman Park[]
Engine 19 was called to 415 Peat road, the northwest corner of Tallman Park. They arrived and found smoke near a gender-reveal party. When they approached, Julie stopped them. She sent Rose to get Elliott. She explained that it was a controlled prayer ceremony and they had a permit. When Elliott arrived, he introduced himself as a fire captain on the reservation and said he'd called because of the gender reveal party. They had smoke bombs and fireworks. As he said this, the partygoers set them off, causing some fires. Andy sent her team to put them out, joined by Elliott. They also called for the ladder truck and aid car to join them as they evacuated the area. They struggled to stay on top of things as the wind scattered embers and caused more small fires. After one landed in a car with the explosives, Sullivan warned Tyler and Emma, the parents who threw the party, to move away. The explosion caused even more small fires. Elliott told Andy that a nearby tree was going to be caught in the fire soon and it would endanger his people. He was trained in tree felling, so they provide backup to him as he cut it down. Once it was down, they were able to put out the fire.
Paula Kelly[]
Theo and Dominic brought Paula Kelly to station 19. She'd accidentally injured herself with a nail gun. She was attempting to remove the nail in her arm when they found her and stopped her. Ultrasound showed that the nail had missed major arteries. When Travis and Beckett were called away, Dominic and Theo stayed to help Ben treat her. She said her fingers were going numb, so Ben said he'd have to numb her whole arm and use an ultrasound to guide his removal of the nail. he had to make a small incision and then he successfully removed the nail. Once it was out, he stitched her up and Theo and Dominic dropped her back off at work.
Song | Performer | Scene |
"Showtime" | Langston |
"Ego Death" | Aysanabee |
"Double Lead" | Salish Spirit Canoe Family |
"Room in My Heart" | Jillian Calkins |
"On My Way Up" | Tishmal |
"Love Language" | Zinadelphia |
Notes and Trivia[]
- This episode's title originated from the song Give It All, originally sung by Rise Against.
- This episode scored 2.31 million viewers.[1]
Episode Stills[]
Behind the Scenes[]
See Also[]
A complete overview of this episode's crew can be found here. |
Station 19 Season 7 | ||||||
#01 | "This Woman's Work" | #05 | "My Way" | #09 | "How Am I Supposed to Live Without You" | |
#02 | "Good Grief" | #06 | "With So Little to Be Sure Of" | #10 | "One Last Time" | |
#03 | "True Colors" | #07 | "Give It All" | |||
#04 | "Trouble Man" | #08 | "Ushers of the New World" | |||
<< Season 6 |