- You may be looking for the Private Practice episode with the same name.
Good Grief is the second episode of the seventh season and the 97th overall episode of Station 19.
Short Summary[]
Ben and Theo respond to a challenging Crisis One call, and Jack struggles adjusting to his new reality. Maya and Carina treat a nanny with a surprising diagnosis. Travis finds a surprise at Dixon's wake, and Vic joins Beckett at a family funeral.
Full Summary[]
The team prepares for the day's clinic while Jack, Andy, and Ross talk in Andy's office.
Jack questions if there's really nothing they can do. He wants a second opinion, but Ross says the worker's comp doctor was already the second opinion. Andy promises that 19 will be there for him, but in a different way. Jack leaves the office.
Ben talks to Jack about his past job changes as Jack cleans out his locker. Theo knows a guy who injured out and ended up teaching cadets and was happier for it. Maya asks about getting another opinion, but Jack says it's done. Andy calls for a lineup and Jack peels his name off the locker.
Downstairs, the team lines up. Andy says she knows it's tough, but they have a job to do. They'll have dinner for Jack tonight. She says Kate, Cutler, and Green are subbing in since Vic and Travis are off. She gives assignments. Kate doesn't want to restock the clinic, but it's that or desk duty, so she takes it. After she dismisses them, Sullivan comes to her and says giving choices weakens her as a leader. She should give an order and stick with it.
Theo goes to Kate and tells him he meant to reach out. He and Vic just ended. She jokes that they can finally be together, but then says she would be down for a good time. Crisis One gets called out, saving him from answering.
Vic and Beckett arrive at Kinsale's Irish Pub, where the Beckett family is having a wake for Vince Beckett. Vic has brought flowers, but Beckett says she won't need them because you can't drink them. He advises her to prepare herself and they go inside.
Inside the pub, everyone is drinking and cheering, surprising Vic as Vince died of alcoholism. James Beckett comes up to Beckett with his son, James Beckett, Jr., mistaking Vic for his wife. Vic offers them the flowers, but James, Jr. says you can't drink flowers.
Travis asks if Eli really needed to come to Dixon's funeral. Eli says it's important as the mayor's chief of staff to keep good relations with the police department. Emmett answers the door and Travis awkwardly introduces the two. Eli says Dixon was a great man, but Emmett says they all know he was a dick. Emmett has heard great things about Eli as Eli has about Emmett.
Theo and Ben arrive at their call. Ben knocks and Connie Harris answers the door. She denies any fight taking placing and attributes the noise to the television. Ben notices her arm is red and bruised and offers to clean up her dialysis port for her. She agrees to save herself a trip to the clinic.
Carina asks Maya if Jack will be okay and Maya says the department will make sure he lands on his feet. Kate makes a joke about him landing on his head and says no one has a sense of humor when they glare at her. Sullivan comes by, noticing the line and saying it'll be a busy day. Only half the trouble twins came today, though. At the desk, Dayna is struggling to find Gloria in the system because Peggy usually handles that part, but she's working. Gloria says she doesn't sign in. She usually just finds Jack. Jack sees her and tells her to go sit down and he'll handle it. He asks Dayna if she forgot his system and Dayna apologizes because it's usually Peggy's job. He shows her where Gloria's file is, hidden away. He further tells Carina that Gloria escaped an abuser and doesn't want to be found. Carina promises Jack she'll make sure his vision stays alive. Roe and Sabrina run in, yelling that their nanny is hurt. Carina goes with them to find her. Jack tries to follow, but Carina stops him and says she has it.
Roe, Sabrina, and Winston are chasing each other through the station as Alice, their nanny, explains that she was getting Winston off the monkey bars when he accidentally kicked her in the face. Carina assures her they'll get her patched up. Maya asks if she's dizzy or lightheaded and she admits that she is a little. She also has a little sunburn on her chest because she just got back from a trip. Alice apologizes for the kids being loud, but Carina assures her it's okay. Alice finds being a nanny the best birth control and says she's never having any. Maya said the same thing. Carina tells her to keep the gauze pressed to her mouth and she'll be right back. Andy passes by and says she submitted her letter for them to be foster parents and is sure they'll get approved. Maya notices something's wrong and Andy admits that she always pictured Jack being around when she became captain.
Sullivan stops the kids from running around and barking and tells them he can turn them into mice, who are very small and quiet. He offers them balloons made of gloves.
Ben asks Connie about the finger-shaped bruises on her arm, but she says it's because of dialysis. Suddenly, Sam Harris shouts from the other room for Connie to make him eggs. She tells him to make them himself. Sam comes in and is angry to see Ben there. Sam opens the fridge and says Connie didn't get more eggs. She promises to get some tomorrow. Ben explains that he's just helping Connie with her arm, but Sam's not satisfied with that.
Theo talks to Sam and Connie's neighbor, who is outside with his dog. The neighbor says he's the one who called it in. He's scared of Sam because he gets angry sometimes and even threatened his dog with a gun. Some days he's fine, but he can go from 0-60 immediately. He's dangerous.
Beckett and Vic are playing pool when James comes and offers Beckett a drink. Beckett declines but James has James, Jr. get drinks for them anyway. James teases Beckett about the prayer beads on his wrist. When James Jr. comes back with whiskey for everyone, Beckett declines again and says he just got out of rehab, surprising his family. James toasts to the death of Fun Sean.
Kitty tells the story of Dixon's proposal to her. Travis apologizes to Emmett for not warning him that Eli would be there. Emmett says Eli seems great and Travis says they shouldn't have hooked up. Emmett says Travis seems happy and he doesn't want to mess that up. He excuses himself to talk to his aunt. Eli comes to Travis and says he needs to get back to the office. Travis decides to stay and says he'll see Eli later.
Alice starts to feel warm and Carina says she can give her acetaminophen for the fever and asks if she got hit on the other side of her face because she has bleeding in her mouth. Kate comes to get Carina because another patient asked for her specifically and refused to let anyone else take care of her.
Carina finds a woman, Wendy and her young daughter, Nina, in the exam room. The woman has a migraine. The pain comes and goes with stress. Carina offers Nina a stuffed bear, but Nina is more interested in the kids outside and is excited to go with Sullivan when he asks if she wants to play with them. Once they're gone, Wendy questions if Carina doesn't remember her. Before Carina can follow up, Maya comes in and asks to see her back with Alice. Carina excuses herself.
Alice has begun vomiting and her fever is up to 102. They ask her about her new symptoms and she says she's jet-lagged. She and her boyfriend were backpacking in Southeast Asia. Carina says they need to get gowned. She and Maya put on gowns and masks as Carina explains that they might be dealing with something dangerous and contagious, so they need to distribute masks to everyone and let Andy know.
Maya tells Andy they might have a Patient Zero. Andy says they need to lock down the station. Sullivan closes the doors as Maya gives Andy masks to distribute. Andy says she'll call the CDC and Sullivan calls for everyone to stay calm as Andy hands out masks.
Sullivan tells the crowd that he doesn't know anything else, but asks them to keep their masks on. Another patient complains that he needs to get to work. Dayna says they're in the best hands and the team will know what to do even if it's Ebola, which makes people panic even more. Wendy is upset that she came with a headache and might leave with Ebola. Nina is immune-deficient. Sullivan says they hope it's nothing, but they're taking every precaution.
Upstairs, Carina and Maya are sealed in the conference room with Alice, while Ross and Andy are on the phone with the CDC. The CDC has them check Alice for symptoms. Carina is worried that she and Maya will have to quarantine for 20 days and Liam will be place with another foster family, but Maya tells her they'll cross that bridge when they come to it. Alice vomits again.
Sam doubts Ben's intentions and thinks he's only after money. Connie says they're all crooks, but it's her money. Sam has lost three jobs in one year. While Sam and Connie argue, Theo pokes his head in and silently signals Ben that Sam has guns. Sam is angered more by Theo's presence. Ben explains what happened and promises they won't be charging Connie for helping her. Sam is angry and feels that they aren't giving him the respect he deserves. Ben tries to calm the situation down and Sam knocks over things as he runs outside.
Vic brings Beckett a soda. Grace Beckett comes to him and Beckett introduces her as his cousin. She teases him about the umbrella in his soda and he says he's sober, which surprises her. She reminds him about past incidents involving alcohol and Vic says he is trying to move past all those. Grace surprises him by saying she's also sober, but doing it on her own instead of with a program. She's no longer welcome at school pick-up because she was topless.
Kitty mingles at the funeral. Then she asks Travis to move some dishes to make room. Travis runs into Emmett in the kitchen and Emmett is upset that his mother is treating Travis like the help. Their hands touch and they look at each other.
In another room, Travis and Emmett undress each other and have sex.
Wendy knows Sullivan put the kids who came in with Alice in a private room and says she and Nina need that, too. Sullivan says the kids' risk was greater because they were with Alice all day. Nina and Wendy have a much lower risk. Wendy says Nina has cerebral palsy and she's her full-time caregiver. She's always running around for Nina, worrying about her. She needs her to be safe. Sullivan says he'll find a space for her and Nina and she can tell him more about tit.
Travis and Emmett come down and get dressed. Emmett says there has to be a joke there about Travis forcing him out of the closet only to shove him back in. Travis says it's a pantry. Emmett's also the one corrupting him with time. When they met, Emmett was seeing Alicia. Travis thinks this is different, but Emmett doesn't think it is. Travis takes his jacket and leaves.
Kitty sees Travis and asks him to put the living room back together.
Alice's fever is still rising and her breathing is getting worse. Maya looks at Alice's chest and sees that she doesn't have a sunburn. It's a rash. Andy tells the CDC about the new discovery as Alice panics.
Theo watches as Sam works in a shed, cleaning his guns. Sam yells at the neighbor to make his dog be quieter. Theo says he's just checking to see if Sam's okay and Sam sends him away. Theo steps away and calls for backup.
James tells a story about his father breaking his foot and not going to the doctor. He was strong and always down for a good time. Grace says that good time is what killed him. James starts talking about Grace's past incidents and Grace shoves him. This leads to a brawl and James, Jr. gets punched. His nose is bleeding, but he insists he's okay.
Ben tries to convince Connie to report her son's outbursts and get his guns temporarily removed from the home to keep people safe. He knows the bruises she has aren't from dialysis and she admits that she pushes Sam, but says he needs it to he'll step up. Her father did the same to her brothers. While they're talking, they hear Sam and the neighbor fighting and then two gun shots. They race outside and call for more help.
Outside, the neighbor tells Connie to control her son. Sam says the gun wasn't pointed at anyone. He's mad that the dog barks all night. Ben tells him to put the gun down. As they hear sirens approaching, Sam puts it down and steps back.
Beckett asks if James, Jr. is taking any medication and he says no as his father hands him a shot, which he drinks. Vic brings in some tampons to stem the blood flow. Vic thinks they need to call an ambulance, but James says he just needs another shot and he'll be fine. Beckett warns James to stop giving him shots and call 911. James says he'll call.
As Alice's rash continues to spread, Ross asks them to check if Alice has been bitten by anything. Carina finds mosquito bites on Alice's ankle. Ross remembers a guy in Iraq who had Dengue Fever. She has Maya press her hand into Alice's back, which leaves a white imprint, supporting the diagnosis. They need to get her a test, but if it's Dengue, they're cleared because it's not contagious.
Ben questions a cop just giving Sam a citation and leaving. The officer says it was self-defense. Sam claimed the dog attacked him, so he was only guilty of discharging a firearm in a residential area. Ben is angry that they won't do anything until someone is injured or killed. Ben asks Connie to speak to her, but she asks him to leave and Sam does as well, demanding that they get off his property.
Kitty directs Travis and Emmett as they move a chair. She thanks them for their help and thanks Travis for coming. Travis excuses himself, but as he goes to leave, Kitty stops him and fixes his tie, which she used to do for her husband. She says she knows Travis did everything he could. Dixon really did like Travis and he's a good man.
Sullivan thanks everyone for helping them take precautions as they leave the station. Andy tells Alice her rapid tests came back positive, so they're sending her to Grey Sloan for treatment. She asks about the kids and Sullivan says they already called their parents to pick them up. Carina asks Sullivan if Nina and Wendy left and he says they did and left the stuffed bear behind. Sullivan asks Winston to give Ross a note from him. Winston delivers the note to Ross, who opens it. It's a marriage proposal. She writs on it and sends it back. Sullivan opens it to find that she has answered, "maybe."
Andy goes to the bunker room and sees Jack's helmet on the shelf. She asks if about Jack not taking it and Kate makes a joke about him needing it. Andy calls Theo and says he and Ben need to make a stop on the way back.
Beckett tells James, Jr. that the ambulance will take him to the hospital so they can cauterize his nose, but James is upset that they can't do it at the pub. He says they used to give each other tattoos with a needle and a hot pen as he heats a spoon with a blowtorch. Beckett tries to stop him, but some other family members hold him back and he hands it to James, Jr., who sticks it up his nose. Then he falls to the ground in pain. Vic grabs him as Grace warns everyone not to look.
Marsha and Jack are out for dinner, because she says they can still have dinner together since he's not going to the station dinner. Jack feels it's an obligation no one has time for. They're interrupted when Theo and Ben come in with a gurney and demand that he get on it. Jack resists, but they insist. He says he'll go, but he wants sirens and he wants to push the button.
As James, Jr. is loaded into an ambulance, Vic asks Beckett if he's okay. He thought he could still be part of his family, but now he doesn't think so. Vic tells him that sometimes giving up addictions means giving up people. Psychologists call it ambiguous loss, a feeling of grief from relationships changing. She offers to have him partner with her on Crisis One, but he just laughs, thinking she's just pitying him. She says he can do it or not.
Maya and Carina are packing things up when a process server comes in and hands Carina an envelope. She's being sued by Wendy, who was a patient five years ago. She hates it. As Carina starts to panic, Maya tells her to breathe. Both their phones chime and they're shocked that it's happening now, but they leave together.
Connie comes into the station and asks for Ben. Sullivan says he's not there, so Connie tries to leave, but then Ben comes in with Theo and Jack. She tells him that after they left, Sam went on a rampage and ranted about the neighbor being dead and it scared her, so she needs them to take his guns. Ben shows her how to fill out the petition online.
Travis and Vic are cooking in the beanery. Vic says Beckett's grandmother told her she can make pot roast with beer, but Vic suspects they make everything with beer. Andy asks how the funeral was and Travis says it was fine and Vic says Beckett's cousin cauterized his own nose with a spoon, so Beckett is actually the sane one in his family. Beckett's not sure about that. Andy tells Sullivan he was great with the kids and the lockdown, so now he'll be running the clinic. He tries to object, but she says she not asking, just telling, echoing his prior statement. Jack comes in with his helmet under his arm. He makes a joke about not remembering them, which Kate appreciates. They all sit down to eat as Jack asks how Andy knew he was going to skip the dinner. Andy says she knows him. They join the team. Ben brings in a cake with Jack's name on it and they start passing food around. As they eat, Carina and Maya come in and introduce baby Liam. Andy hands Jack a marker and everyone gets up so he can get under the table and write his name alongside other fallen firefighters, including Pruitt and Charlie Irwin. After he's done, Andy crawls under the table with him, followed by Vic, Ben, Maya, Theo, Travis, and Sullivan. Carina sits nearby with Liam, next to Beckett. The whole team holds Jack as he cries.
Main Cast[]
- Jaina Lee Ortiz as Captain Andy Herrera
- Jason George as Dr. Ben Warren
- Boris Kodjoe as Lieutenant Robert Sullivan
- Grey Damon as Jack Gibson
- Barrett Doss as Victoria Hughes
- Jay Hayden as Travis Montgomery
- Danielle Savre as Lieutenant Maya Bishop
- Stefania Spampinato as Dr. Carina DeLuca
- Carlos Miranda as Lieutenant Theo Ruiz
- Josh Randall as Sean Beckett
- Merle Dandridge as Fire Chief Natasha Ross
Guest Stars[]
- Lachlan Buchanan as Emmett Dixon
- Rob Heaps as Eli Stern
- Kiele Sanchez as Kate Powell
- Tricia O'Kelley as Kitty Dixon
- Jayne Taini as Marsha Smith
- Christina Moses as Wendy Wilson
- Deirdre Lovejoy as Connie Harris
- Jamie Denbo as Grace Beckett
- Spencer Garrett as James Beckett
- Spencer Treat Clark as James Beckett, Jr.
- Jay Jay Warren as Sam Harris
- Nina Millin as Dayna Rutledge
- Frances Capra as Neighbor
- Emma Scotson as Alice
- Angelica Amor as Gloria
- Sean Patrick Murray as Police Officer
- Courtney Rae Allen as Process Server
- Paul Archer as Clinic Patient
- Cesily Collette Taylor as Nina
- Sonata Clack as Sabrina
- Matisse Clack as Roe
- Jaxon Compas as Winston
Sam Harris[]
Crisis One was called to 10627 Briarwood Drive. They arrived to find Connie Harris, who denied any disturbance and attributed the noise to the television. Ben noticed her dialysis port looked infected and offered to look at it for her, so she allowed him to come inside. He noticed bruises on her arms, which she attributed to dialysis as well. Theo talked to their neighbor, who said he was the one who called. HE reported that Connie's son, Sam, would get into rages. He pointed his gun at the neighbor's dog and the neighbor felt he was dangerous. They told Sam they'd gotten a call about a disturbance. Sam became agitated and threw a mug at the wall, shattering it. Theo watched Sam go into the garage, where he cleaned multiple guns, so he called for backup. Ben tried to appeal to Connie to report Sam and get his firearms removed from the premises temporarily. While they waited for backup, they heard two gun shots and went outside to see that he'd fired twice in the presence of the neighbor. The police arrived and wrote a citation for discharging a firearm in a residential area, but said it looked like self-defense. Ben tried again to appeal to Connie, but she and Sam both asked him to leave. However, Connie later came to the station and said she needed them to take the guns for a while. Ben showed her how to petition online.
Gloria came to the clinic. She'd fled an abusive ex and didn't give any personal information for fear that he'd find her.
Alice came into the clinic because she'd been kicked in the mouth by a kid she was trying to help off the monkey bars. Carina told her she'd be okay and Maya noted she had a sunburn, which she said was from a recent vacation. She then started to feel warm and Carina observed bleeding inside her mouth and then she started vomiting. She said she'd been backpacking in southeast Asia, so they masked everyone in the building and locked the station down. They moved Alice into the conference room and sealed it off. Andy called the CDC and reported her symptoms so they could diagnose her. Maya realized the redness on her chest was a rash, not a sunburn. The rash continued to spread even after they gave her antibiotics, so Ross suspected Dengue fever. Carina found mosquito bites on her ankles and Maya pressed her hands onto the rash, which left a white imprint, supporting the diagnosis. They got her a blood test, which confirmed it, so the lockdown was called off and she was transported to the hospital.
Wendy Wilson[]
Wendy came into the clinic and said she would only be treated by Carina. She told Carina she had a migraine and the headache came and went with stress, but before Carina could continue her exam, she was called away and when Carina went back to check on her, she was gone.
Song | Performer | Scene |
"My Own Worst Enemy" | Lit |
"May the Living Be Dead (In Our Wake)" | Flogging Molly |
"Water Music - Suite No. 1 in F-Major" | Aradia Ensemble, Kevin Mallon |
"Good Times" | The Last Tycoons |
"I Like It Like" | Boo Seeka |
"Devil's Dance Floor" | Flogging Molly |
"It's Too Bad And It's Too Late" | December's Children |
"Voice in My Head" | Aron Wright |
"No Place Like Home" | The Logues |
"Silent Warnings" | Emma McGrath |
"Piano Trio in E-Flat Major, Op. 1 No. 1" | APM |
Notes and Trivia[]
- This episode's title originated from the song Good Grief, originally sung by Bastille.
- This episode scored 2.62 million viewers.[1]
- The dog actor in this episode is named Sinatra because of his bright blue eyes.[2]
Episode Stills[]
Behind the Scenes[]
See Also[]
A complete overview of this episode's crew can be found here. |
Station 19 Season 7 | ||||||
#01 | "This Woman's Work" | #05 | "My Way" | #09 | "How Am I Supposed to Live Without You" | |
#02 | "Good Grief" | #06 | "With So Little to Be Sure Of" | #10 | "One Last Time" | |
#03 | "True Colors" | #07 | "Give It All" | |||
#04 | "Trouble Man" | #08 | "Ushers of the New World" | |||
<< Season 6 |