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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki
Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

Here It Comes Again is the eleventh episode of the fourth season and the 54th overall episode of Station 19.

Short Summary[]

Maya, Jack, Vic, Travis and Sullivan respond to a burn call at an ice rink. Meanwhile, a pregnant woman and her husband seek out the station for help and Maya and Carina have a difficult conversation.

Full Summary[]

Dean tells his mother not to heat the bottle too much because Pru's mouth is sensitive. Ifeya interrupts and reminds him she's taken care of babies before. He says goodbye to Pru and leaves after thanking his mother.

Jack and Inara settle Marsha in on the couch. Marsha insists that she's fine and she and Marcus can handle things, so Jack and Inara should just get on to work.

Maya finishes making herself a smoothie and calls to Carina that she's going to be late. Carina comes out and shows off her outfit. Maya says she should look way less hot if she's trying to let Bailey down easy. Carina suspected the outfit was too much and rushes back to their bedroom to change. Maya takes that to mean they're not driving in together.

Andy is looking around for things and Sullivan helpfully tells her where they are. She jokes that she needs to change, but then admits she's kidding then says they need to go or they'll be late.

Travis tells Vic they're going to be late and he's blaming her. She's looking for her charger in the couch cushions, but he put it in the bowl, which is where he always puts it when she leaves it on the floor. They open the front door and are startled by Emmett, who has a box of pastries. He's there to warn them that his father is on his way to the station.

Ben comes into the station. He's on the phone with Bailey and tells her that he'll tell the team when it's the right time. Then he promises to tell Maya as soon as she comes in. After he's inside, Dixon comes to the door next. Right behind him is Maya, who sees him and comments that they're not open to visitors. He follows her into her office without being invited. He tells her that if she cares about the safety of her people, she'll put a muzzle on Dean and try to mend fences. She tells him PD should be the ones mending fences. He plays the parking ticket incident off as fun and games.

Dixon leaves Maya's office and sees Sullivan and Andy coming in. Andy repeats that visitors aren't allowed, but Dixon tells Sullivan he was talking to Chief McCallister. They know he's trying to promote back up quickly and don't see it happening. He says they're always looking for ambitious guys like him at PD, but Andy tells him to walk away. Just then, Travis and Vic come inside, trying to warn everyone, until they see that Dixon is already there.

Jack says it's like you're fighting the boss and you deafest it, but the next level is just more bosses. Except the boss is all Dixon. Vic adds that he's in charge of PD now. After Jack walks away, Vic talks to Travis about Emmett coming to their place to tell them something he could have said in a text. Travis waffles, but thinks Emmett is different now, more confident. That confirms Vic's suspicion that Travis likes Emmett. Travis reluctantly admits that he has a thing for Emmett, but Emmett has gone out of his way to refer to them as friends. Vic thinks he might be dropping hints, like he might want to be pandemic sex friends. It's good because he gets tested all the time and they've had sex before. Travis denies wanting that until a call comes in and they have to rush out.

As they get into their turnouts, Vic tries to convince Travis that he needs a pandemic sex buddy. She would get one if she could.

Andy finds the box of pastries and takes two. Ben catches her and she lies, saying she was going to bring him one. After she's gone, he checks the box and is upset that it's apple.

Maya, Vic, Travis, Jack, and Sullivan arrive at Double L Ice Rink. Suzie leads them inside, asking them to hurry. She says he's out there and it's going to get him. They arrive at the ice and see the ice resurfacer on fire, gliding around on the ice while Lloyd writhes around on the ice. Lloyd's her husband and he fell off and is now stranded on the ice. Suzie tried to get to him, but the ice resurfacer was moving around erratically. They watch as it takes out a hockey net. Maya says they have it and they've trained for it, though Travis isn't sure that's true.

Maya tells Sullivan they're sending the stokes out and tells him not to move Lloyd unless he absolutely has to. Maya tells the rest of the team their first goal is to get Lloyd off the ice and then they'll deal with the flaming robot. Maya gives Suzie a mask and Suzie says she told Lloyd not to take the machine out. They're not even open to skaters, but he insisted as it's part of his daily routine. She was spraying the glass when she looked up and it was on fire. She told him to get down, so he jumped off. She tells Maya it's battery-powered. Jack asks Maya what she wants to do. The fact that it's electric means water is out. It's erratic, so she doesn't want to risk injury to anyone by fighting it on the ice. They'll hit it with the CO2 extinguishers whenever it gets close enough. They'll let it burn itself out and help it along the way. Vic and Travis step out onto the ice with the stokes basket, but Travis quickly slips and has to right himself. They get the basket across the ice to Lloyd, then they roll him into it. As the ice resurfacer approaches, they drag him out of the way. Lloyd blames himself for overfilling the hydraulic fluid, which he believes was the cause of the fire. They get him through the door and shut it just in time for the ice resurfacer to hit the edge and turn. Maya asks Suzie if they have any ladders and sends Jack to get some so they can fire CO2 at the ice resurfacer from above as it comes close to the edges.

Ben is at the reception area when Carina comes to the door and knocks. He buzzes her in and tells her Maya and the rest of the team are out on a call. She tells him she gave her resignation to his wife. She cried, which made Carina cry. They talk about her return to Paolo Calvino. It's where she did her residency. Her friend, Gabriella, is already there. Seeing her country like that is hard. She's had the sense that she needed to go back there, to fulfill her oath, since they first heard how hard Northern Italy was being hit with the virus. Ben says he feels the same connection with Los Angeles, as he started his residency there. Seattle is his home and heart, but Los Angeles was the birthplace of him as a physician. Carina echoes that Italy doesn't feel like home anymore, but seeing her country in crisis has pulled her to come back in a way she hasn't felt in so long. It's torture to watch a situation you can't help. Ben says he feels the same way about his own country and he's actually there. Their conversation is interrupted by noise at the door. Ben sends Carina to get a face shield as he goes to the door. Wayne and Nancy are outside the doors. Ben installed car seats in their cars for them. They live a block away and were taking a walk to relieve some cramping she was feeling when she went into labor. Carina goes to grab some gowns as Ben lets them in.

Dean and Andy have completed a call and are returning to the station. Dean asks Andy to check his phone. There's a message from Condola, but nothing from his mother. He's nervous about his mother watching Pru for the first time. Ben calls them over the radio and tells them about Nancy and asks them to hurry back to the station.

Maya is instructing her team where to set up ladders when Officers Marinis and Reaser check in with her. She says the scene is contained, so they say they'll tell Dispatch not to send anyone else out. Sullivan approaches as he sees her talking to the officers and asks if there's a problem. She tells him there isn't and she told him to wait with CO2. He tells her it's useless, but she just orders him back to his post. He asks what the police are doing there and she says it's not his problem. He says he knows them pretty well and wants to help, but she says she does as well and she's handled it. He asks who is taking over 19 when she goes to Italy. She's shocked that Andy told him about that and says she hasn't decided yet. He says he's there to support. She says she needs his support containing the fire.

Vic and Jack wait for the machine to come around again. Jack thinks it's stupid, that it'll burn out eventually and doesn't think what they're doing will help. It comes around and they spray it. Jack tells Vic about playing hockey as a kid with one of his foster fathers. The best part for him was warming up afterward. Vic says she barely saw her dad growing up unless he was making pierogi filling. She'd sit at the counter and watch, both of them silent. Those were the best conversations they ever had. Vic asks if he'd rather have basically no dad or Emmett's dad. They agree they'd rather have no dad.

Sullivan and Travis wonder how they're going to hit the ice resurfacer with the gas. Sullivan's seen a lot on the job, but never this. It comes around and they spray it. Sullivan's never felt this useless. Travis agrees, except for the time he accidentally showed up at a straight speed-dating event. They wonder how long it'll be before it crashes through the boards. Travis awkwardly tries to figure out what to call Sullivan before settling on Sullivan.

Carina, Ben, and Wayne lead Nancy into the barn in preparation for the aid car to take her to the hospital. She collapses right on the other side of the door in pain. Carina advises her not to push. Once she's down on the ground, Carina takes off her shoes and leggings to examine her. Carina pulls Ben aside and tells him the baby's in a breech position. He goes to get the portable ultrasound from the PRT.

Andy and Dean rush back to the station and he says he hates leaving his daughter. Her mother chose to leave her and now he leaves her three days a week for 24 hours each time and he wonders when she'll start to notice that. He's worried that Pru will never heal from her mother leaving her because he leaves her all the time. Andy says she healed just fine. Dean named his daughter after Andy's father because he's the one who convinced Dean to keep her. Her father was the only one who knew at the time that Pru was like Andy.

Vic and Jack are still annoyed as they hit the machine again. Travis tells them Sullivan has an idea. Sullivan says he used to skate and so did Vic and Jack. Maya approaches and asks what the idea is. Sullivan wants them to go after the machine on skates. Vic says the battery is running down so it's not moving as quickly or erratically. Maya thinks for a moment, then asks who can skate. After Vic, Jack, and Sullivan raise their hands, she emphatically says they must wear helmets.

Suzie leads them into the shop and gives them the gear they'll need to go out onto the ice. They step out onto the ice and chase the ice resurfacer, spraying it as much as they can. After some time, they're able to extinguish the flames and it slows to a stop. As they step off the ice, Jack admits he really didn't believe they'd be able to do that. Suzie has found a sling in the lost and found for Lloyd. Maya asks if she's sure they won't want to take the ambulance to the hospital. They decide they'd rather avoid the bill and take the station wagon. Suzie tells them the ice rink is their baby. They never had their own, so every waking hour of their marriage was spent there. After they've left, Vic asks Jack if he wants to try her father's pierogi, which he does.

Wayne coaches Nancy as her labor continues. Wayne apologizes for not getting Nancy to the hospital sooner. Their plan was to have a home birth, but their doula had a mental breakdown and had to move back east and they were looking for a new one. Carina examines her again to determine if she can turn the baby prior to delivery. Wayne asks if they're doctors or firefighters. Ben says he's both actually. Carina's just a doctor, but she's exactly the kind of doctor they need. She tells Nancy she's fully dilated. Carina will be as gentle as possible, but there may be some discomfort. She pushes down on Nancy's belly to try to turn the baby. Wayne is struggling to breathe, but tells Ben he's okay even as he sits down.

Vic and Jack are surprised to see Theo leaving Kaminski's. He asks if he should stop coming there, but Vic says it's fine. They have an awkward moment before Vic goes inside. Theo then shares a look with Travis, who has stayed in the truck.

Anthony Hughes comments that it's been a while since Vic has visited them. Jack comes into the kitchen and recognizes an ingredient. Anthony explains that all their past kitchen help has contributed to their current recipe. Their food is ready, so Vic asks her dad to say hi to her mom as she goes to leave. Anthony asks her to come by for dinner soon.

Ben has gotten Wayne up into a chair to examine him. Wayne says they had everything planned, but they didn't plan for a pandemic. Wayne suddenly collapses to the floor. While Ben goes to check on him, Carina gets Nancy's focus back on her labor.

Dean and Andy are back at the station with the aid car. Ben says he tried calling for another aid car, but everyone was busy. Andy is doing CPR and calls for epi. She tells Dean to let Central Seattle know they're coming. He calls in the cardiac arrest. While they work on Wayne, Carina tries to get Nancy to focus and breathe. Nancy tells Ben when asked that Wayne's father died of a heart attack when Wayne was five. Word comes that the ER has no room, so Dean tells them to make some because they're coming in. Ben offers to go with them, but Andy tells him to stay and help Carina.

As they ride back to the station, Travis tries to talk about Theo, but Vic doesn't even want to hear his name. Travis spent a few years himself trying to forget Theo existed, but it didn't work. Travis tries to get a pierogi, but Vic slaps his hand and tells him he can't have any until she's warmed them up. Maya tells Sullivan he made a good call.

Andy continues to work on Wayne while Dean drives them to the hospital, where there is still no room. They pull up to the hospital, but a nurse says there is still no bed for him, so they continue CPR in the aid car.

Carina tells Nancy to give one more big push as the rest of the team gets back from their car. Maya questions if Bailey kicked them out mid-delivery. Carina instructs Maya to stay and everyone else to get out. Maya puts on a gown as the others filter out. Carina tells Nancy to give her one more push. Her baby starts crying and Carina hands her over to Maya after cutting the cord.

Andy asks how they don't have any beds and the nurse cites the pandemic as the cause. She suggests that it might be time to call it on Wayne, but Dean refuses to do that and tells the nurse to find a bed. They shock Wayne again and are able to restore sinus rhythm. The nurse comes back to tell them they got a bed. They unload Wayne and take him inside.

Carina tells Nancy the placenta is delivered and they're done. Then she sees some bleeding and tells Nancy she has to do fundal massage to induce uterine contraction. Nancy just wants to hold her baby, but Carina says she has to do this so Nancy can hold her baby forever. Carina does the massage, then examines Nancy again. There are no major lacerations, so Maya hands Nancy her baby. Nancy wonders if they walked into a fire station in labor to find two doctors. Carina says yes, and she's even an OB. Ben says sometimes the crises come to them.

Andy and Ben have Nancy on a gurney and load her back into the aid car. Dean stayed behind at the hospital to make sure Wayne would make it and reported that he did. They sent him to the cath lab and he was in recovery. Andy assures the baby that her daddy isn't going anywhere.

Carina is washing up in the bathroom when Maya comes in. She says watching Carina bring that life into the world like it was nothing, like it was just another day, which she supposes it is for her, made her fall in love with Carina all over again. They kiss. Maya asks how it went with Bailey. Carina says Bailey made her cry, but in a good way. Maya starts to say that with everything going on here, with the tension with PD. Carina interrupts, saying she knows Maya needs to stay. Her country is in crisis and she can't leave when there's such a desperate need. It's one of the many reasons why Carina loves her. Maya promises that she really wanted to go, but she keeps thinking of Chief McCallister seeing her leave request and saying that's why they don't put more women in positions of power. Carina jokes that they'll all run off with their lady lovers. Carina assures Mays they'll be okay and she'll be back before Maya knows it. She promises.

Travis tries to think of what to say to Emmett over text. He tries an rejects a few different options. Ben overhears this and asks Travis about him and Emmett. Travis just walks out.

Vic and Jack check on the pierogi in the oven. Jack says Vic's dad seems to love her. He worked a lot when she was a kid. She says she had her grandma. Her parents were neglectful, but because they were trying to build something for her. It's like Lloyd and Suzie. The restaurant is their baby.

Sullivan is working out when Richard calls to check in. He quickly realizes Sullivan hasn't heard the news from Minneapolis.

Ben is on the phone with Bailey again. He says Carina told him she cried during their meeting and he has a feeling that had more to do with him than Carina. He promises Bailey that they're going to fight this together. The call is interrupted when something comes in on his phone.

Andy and Dean are both sore, but Dean tells Andy to imagine how Wayne feels. They settle in to the break room. Andy tells Dean there are a lot of reasons why kids end up without parents, but Pru got lucky to get him as a dad. Vic brings in the pierogi and they all settle in to watch some TV. Ben comes in and asks them if they've seen the video. Dean finds the remote and turns on the news, which is reporting about police in Minneapolis killing George Floyd. The whole team is disturbed by the footage. Dean repeats 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Andy says they held compressions on Wayne for 7 minutes and 32 seconds. Dean says they took longer ending a man's life than he and Andy did saving one.


Main Cast[]

Guest Stars[]




Maya, Travis, Vic, Jack, and Sullivan responded to a call for a fire at an ice rink. They arrived to find Lloyd on the ice at his ice rink while the ice resurfacer drove around the rink, on fire. Lloyd had been tending to the ice when the ice resurfacer caught fire, so he jumped off. Sullivan went out on the ice to check on him, then Vic and Travis followed with a Stokes basket and dragged him to safety. With Lloyd off the ice, the team used ladders to get above the rink and sprayed the ice resurfacer with fire extinguishers whenever it got close. After some time of doing this, with the ice resurfacer slowing down as the battery started to die, Vic, Jack, and Sullivan put on skates and went out on the ice to chase it down. They were able to put the fire out. Suzie, Lloyd's wife, then drove him to the hospital.


Nancy and her husband, Wayne, were walking to relieve some cramping late in her pregnancy, but she went into labor as they were passing the station. They came to the door, where Ben and Carina let them inside. They tried to get Nancy to the hospital, but she collapsed just inside the barn. When Carina examined her, she learned the baby was in a breech position. Ben got the portable ultrasound from the PRT and Carina applied pressure to Nancy's belly to help her deliver. Soon after, she gave birth. She then delivered the placenta. When she started bleeding, Carina did fundal massage to induce uterine contractions and stop the bleeding. Nancy was then transported to the hospital.


While Wayne's wife, Nancy, was in labor, he collapsed next to her in cardiac arrest. Ben and Andy began CPR immediately. Dean and Andy then loaded him into the aid car and took him to the hospital. There were no beds available at the hospital, so they continued to run the code in the aid car in the ambulance bay. When they re-established sinus rhythm, he was taken inside to the cath lab. In total, they did CPR on him for 7 minutes and 32 seconds.


Song Performer Scene
"Get Yourself Ready" Gsharp
  • Dean gives his mom directions for taking care of Pru.
  • Dean kisses Pru goodbye and leaves.
  • Inara and Jack settle Marsha in on the couch before they leave for work.
  • Maya helps Carina get ready to meet with Bailey.
  • Andy races around for things.
  • Vic and Travis struggle to leave the house.
  • Emmett is at the door with a peace offering.
"Don't Wanna Dance" Boston Bun
  • Sullivan, Jack, and Vic put on skating gear.
  • They chase the Zamboni on skates and put it out.
"The Other Side" Judith Hill
  • Andy and Dean continue CPR on Wayne.
  • He returns to sinus rhythm and is taken into the hospital.
  • Carina helps deliver the placenta and starts fundal massage to stop the bleeding.
  • Maya hands Nancy her baby.
"Uneven Days" Ben Harper
  • Sullivan FaceTimes with Richard.
  • Ben talks to Bailey on the phone. The call is interrupted by a video.
  • Andy and Dean talk about children losing their parents and him raising Pru.
  • Vic brings in pierogi and the team settles in to watch TV.
  • Ben and Sullivan come in as they turn on the news, which is reporting about George Floyd.
  • The whole team is in shock.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • This episode's title originated from the song Here It Comes Again, originally sung by The Fortunes.
  • This episode scored 5.10 million viewers.[1]
  • This episode was produced as the twelfth episode of the season, but aired as the eleventh.[source?]
  • There are magnets on Dean's fridge arranged to say "S19", "SFD" and "Dean & Pru".
  • While his name is not explicitly stated, the described events on the news report make it clear that it is about the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. This means the episode takes place on May 25, 2020.[source?]


Episode Stills[]


See Also[]

A complete overview of this episode's crew can be found here.

