James Beckett, Jr. is the cousin of Sean Beckett.
When Vince Beckett died, the Beckett family gathered for his wake. When Sean Beckett arrived, both James and his father were shocked that he was sober and teased him for it. While reminiscing about his dad, James, Sr., insulted his cousin, Grace, who was also sober, and she shoved him, which led to a brawl. James, Jr. got punched and developed a nosebleed. Vic and Sean packed it, but said he'd need to go to the hospital to have it cauterized. Wanting to avoid the trip to the hospital and believing James, Jr. could handle it, James, Sr. took a spoon, heated it, and gave it James, Jr., who pressed it against his own nose.
He is from a large Irish family, many of whom struggle with alcohol abuse.