James Benton came into the clinic with what he thought was a cold and was found to have a brain herniation.
James came into the clinic with what he thought was a cold. He'd been to the clinic three times, but his nose wouldn't stop running. He said he couldn't wait anymore to get better because there was a girl he was dating and he couldn't get close to her because of the constantly running nose. They decided to discharge him, but Sydney Heron ordered Izzie Stevens to do a nasal lavage because she wanted to improve patient satisfaction.
After his lavage, Bailey attempted to discharge him, but she saw a halo sign on his pillow, so she ordered a head CT. He had a brain herniation and was leaking spinal fluid through his nose. They scheduled him for surgery. After his surgery, he was awake and stable. His girlfriend came to visit him.
He's dating a girl. He says it's the kind of relationship where you feel like you're on fire when you're near each other. She came to visit in him in the hospital after his surgery.