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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

At the height of the Great Depression, Harvard scientists started tracking students in hopes of discovering the key to a long and happy life. They looked at participants' mental and physical health over 75 years. It is the longest study of happiness to date. 75 years and all they did was confirm what we've known since the beginning of time. The most powerful predictor of health and happiness is the quality if our relationships. Strong relationships protect us. Loneliness, on the other hand, can be deadly. Over the course of our lives, our relationships ebb and flow. We get together, break up, move away, or fall out of touch. It's prolonged periods of loneliness and toxicity that wreak havoc on our health, our brain function, and our longevity. Sometimes, being alone can be so terrifying that we trap ourselves in harmful relationships. But in order to really thrive, you've got to be ready to cut and run. Your life just might depend on it.

Keep the Family Close[1] is the second episode of the twentieth season and the 422nd overall episode of Grey's Anatomy.

Short Summary[]

Bailey tells the interns they must complete dozens of basic procedures before being allowed back in surgery. Meanwhile, things are awkward between Simone and Lucas, and Amelia comes up with a solution to a complicated surgery.

Full Summary[]

Jo and Link are in bed at night. They agree they should get some sleep but proceed to have sex again.

Lucas and Simone fail to get sleep because of Mika and Taryn's sex noises. Lucas tries to put on headphones.

In bed, Amelia talks to her new cat until she realises what she's doing. Meredith texts her about a certain article. Amelia wonders when she sleeps.

The next morning, Lucas and Simone have an awkward encounter in the kitchen as they both reach for the coffee at the same time. He takes her cup and fills it up for her. They discuss Mika's sex noises. Lucas checks if they're good since it's been a week. Simone is working things out and she can't put a timeline on it. Mika enters the kitchen and Lucas inquires about her ground rules. She says karma sucks. Taryn comes in and urges them to hurry since she's got a liver biopsy to get to.

Ben walks with Bailey and Pru at the hospital. While Bailey things she's ready for her new job, Ben thinks she should expect this class to be different as times have changed. Bailey knows how to handle baby surgeons. Pru knows that Bailey's the boss.

At the coffee cart, Link notices that the barista winks at Jo, who doesn't really pay attention. It reminds Link of how they met. He bailed her out when a guy who looked like Father Time was hitting on her during her first shift at Jimmy's. She doesn't recall.

Benson wonders if Jules has ever been in a throuple. The other interns join them as they head to the lobby, where Bailey tells them they are late. Mika brought Bailey a green juice. Bailey ignores her and says their cowboy days are over. They are going back to basics. They have to earn the privilege to operate. She hands out procedure log card, requiring an attending to sign off on every basic procedure they complete perfectly. The interns start objecting since they are preparing for the ABSITE exam but Bailey is not having it. She refers them to Levi and Taryn, who hand out assignments for the day. Lucas asks Taryn if her class ever had to do this but Taryn says her class never screwed up like them.

Winston checks on Teddy, who is concerned about her patients. Owen wants her to rest. He's paged away to the OR. Mika comes in, eager to remove Teddy's chest tube, but Winston already did so. Winston heard about Bailey's new program. There will be no procedure performed on the Chief, nor can there be trolling for procedure on his service. He instructs Mika to finish rounding. Once Winston's gone, Teddy hands Mika a list of her patients she wants Mika to check on. Mika is hesitant but Teddy suggests those patients come with procedures, which convinces her. Teddy urges her to be discrete.

Jules tries to calm down the loud Best family in the ER. Their softball tournament turned bloody. Owen urges them to keep the talking limited to one person. Billy has hurt his arm while pregnant Allie feels like she's broken her back. Bo has a broken nose since Charlotte fouled a ball into his face. Mrs. Best says Charlotte's going to be this year's MVP. Jules takes the Best family members who need medical attention to beds.

Paramedics bring in a John Doe who was found unconscious by Fisherman's Terminal with multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomen. Benson and Lucas join Bailey in trauma room 3. Winston comes in as the interns start cutting up the patient's pants, causing a whole bunch of banknotes to fall out.

Simone presents the case of Dante Collier. He was diagnosed with cholecystitis earlier this morning. He wants to leave soon as he needs to feed his pumpernickel starter. Levi knows nothing about baking. Dante calls him handsome and invites him to come by his bakery some time for a treat on the house. Richard says Levi will be the lead surgeon on the case. Levi sends Simone to check on Dante's labs. As the surgeons move to continue their rounds, Dante says he's looking forward to seeing Levi again.

Jules is examining Allie, who knows she had no business playing baseball with her competitive in-laws. Jules paged OB, neuro, and ortho to check her out.

While Lucas gathers all the cash in a medical waste bag, Winston finds that one bullet is still inside the patient. Mika comes in to offer Winston to remove pacing wires on one of his patients but he tells her it's not the time to ask. X-rays show a bilateral hemopneumthorax. Bailey instructs Lucas to take the money to security while she and Winston prep to insert chest tubes. However, the patient crashes so they move to perform a thoracotomy instead.

In order to make sure all his meds are correct, Simone casually asks Dante which medication he takes for his HIV. Dante is confused as he does not have HIV. Simone says the labs came back positive as part of the standard ER screening. Dante requests another doctor.

Jo, Amelia, and Link arrive to examine Allie. This back pain is worse than what she's experienced before during the pregnancy and her groin area feels numb. Meanwhile, Bo and Patty argue over who should be named MVP. Billy insists it should be Allie, who yells she doesn't want it. She then screams and says her water broke. Jo checks but it's urine. Amelia suspects a serious spinal injury and requests an MRI.

Winston is performing cardiac massage. Lucas returns to the bloody trauma room. Security's busy on the psych floor so he has to watch the money. The patient has been down for 20 minutes so Winston goes to call it. Benson swoops in and asks if he can practice cardiac massage before they call it. Winston allows it and guides him. After a while, the heart starts beating again. Bailey and Winston then rush the patient to the OR. Benson requests to scrub in but Bailey refuses.

Richard, Levi, and Simone return to Dante's room. They repeated his labs, which all came back positive for HIV again. They'll give him some time to process and a referral to a specialist. Dante panics. He's leaving against medical advice.

Bo and Patty's arguing continues while Jules finishes up stitching Patty's leg. Jules finds Owen to have him sign her procedure log. She requests another assignment but he sends her to another family member, with a dislocated finger.

While in the MRI machine, Allie tells Amelia and Link that she hated growing up an only child. She wanted a noisy family and got one when she married Billy but she won't be okay if their antics cost her her baby. Jo drops by to provide Link with doughnuts. The scans confirm the cauda equine syndrome. Jo points out they can't go in posteriorly or anteriorly, and laterally will increase the risk of bleeding. Amelia has an idea.

Mika updates Teddy on her list of patients but Teddy's got another list, which includes a possible central line.

Levi arrives with Dante's AMA forms. He arranged an appointment for Dante at the clinic to discuss his options. Dante knows about the options. He wanted to ask Levi out on a date but now he'll always associate Levi's face with the day his dating life changed forever. Levi thinks it's Dante's choice when and how he discloses his status. Dante says that'll make the guys run away. Levi says they might also be like him, on PrEP, and ready to date whomever they like. Suddenly, Dante collapses in pain. He consents to the surgery.

Bailey's running John Doe's bowels. She thinks Winston has something to say to her. Winston thinks suspending the interns is stunting their education and impeding Winston's work. They should be able to learn from their mistakes. Bailey says her Catherine Fox Award is exactly about her teaching on reproductive care. She finds that one bullet hit the SMA, which might mean this man will never eat normally again. Another bullet injured the hilum of a lung. Winston extracts the missing bullet. He calls in Lucas and has him take the bullet to Pathology. The patient's pressure tanks.

Amelia, Link, and Jo are taking Allie to the OR. They'll add supports on the table, creating a hole in the table, so she can lie face down without putting pressure on her belly. Jo will be in the OR to monitor her and the baby. Allie turns to Billy, who assures her they'll all be there for her when she gets out.

Mika finds Richard, which must mean Mr. Wallis is out of surgery. Richard actually passed along the case to another doctor. Owen addresses Mika, who confesses she's checking on Teddy's patients. Joke's on her because she hasn't done a single procedure. Owen takes her log and signs off on all the procedures she did with him when they saved Teddy's life. He won't forget that. He then asks Mika to make sure Teddy rests.

Amelia finishes the decompression while Link tells Jo the costumer's actual name was Art. Jo can't believe he's still on this. Amelia is almost done stabilising the spine when Jo alarms her about late decals on the monitor. They don't have the five minutes Amelia needs to finish. Jo thinks repositioning the baby might help, yet to no avail. They need to get the baby out, meaning they need to flip Allie. Link thinks they got enough screws in for the spine to hold. They pack with lap pads while Jo gets the OR ready for an emergency C-section.

Lucas finds Simone in an on-call room. She feels awful about the casual way she gave Dante his diagnosis. Lucas puts down the trash bag. Simone gets up to kiss him. She wants to feel better. Lucas pulls back as he thinks they should talk. She leaves.

Amelia informs Billy that they are expecting a full recovery. Jo says the baby needs to be on a ventilator for a while but she's strong. Billy gets emotional upon seeing his baby through the NICU window. Billy welcomes the baby to the Best family.

Amelia and Jo give him some space. Amelia knows Link can be sentimental, which is even more intense with the people that he loves. Jo figures Link told her about them but Amelia says he didn't need to. Besides, they're family already anyway.

Simone asks Richard about Dante. They had to convert to an open procedure but Levi handled it well. Richard assures her that Dante will be okay. Simone says she hasn't been able to trust her instincts lately. Richard knows how scary that feeling can be. He's mismanaged many things in his life and it's still happening from time to time.

Mika returns to Teddy's room and finds her working on her laptop. Mika brings in a tray of yell-o. Mika says they had yell-o in her family all the time because it allowed her mother to feed nine kids from one box. Mika found herself grabbing yell-o at the dining hall in college because it was a taste of home. As soon as Mika brings up resting, Teddy says she's fine. Mika disagrees. Mika was there when Teddy collapsed. It was traumatic and awful and Mika herself is not over it yet, so Teddy can't possibly be either. Teddy starts crying. She asks Mika not to tell anyone.

Jules informs the Best family that the baby is fine. They are all free to go. Bo and Patty start talking about the MVP decision again. The entire family starts arguing. Jules makes them be quiet. They should all be grateful for having a family that wants to spend time together. They should remember this when they're all back here next year. Bo then decides that Jules is the MVP. The entire family starts chanting “MVP” at her as Bo hands her the MVP trophy.

Benson is checking on John Doe in the ICU. Lucas comes in asking if he has seen the bag of cash. As soon as Lucas agrees to take over all his butt stuff for the next two weeks, Benson takes the bag out of a drawer. Benson found it in the on-call room. Bailey comes in and takes the bag from the squabbling man. The police put out a missing person report. Benson asks her to sign the procedure log for cardiac massage, which she refuses. He's disappointed about not getting credit. She reminds him that he didn't do it for credit, he did it to save a life. She points out that the patient is a young man at the beginning of his life, not a list of blank boxes to be checked. This exercise is not a game. It is today if they will ever regain the privilege of operating. If she hears that they put procedures over patients ever again, she will see to it that they never will.

Levi is checking on Dante and tells him recovery will be a few days. Simone comes in to apologize. She should have been more considerate and admits she was racing through her work. Dante understands. He admits he missed a few calls from the health department a few months ago but he was too busy at his bakery. He wasn't seeing anyone so he put it off. He never expected it to be HIV. Simone leaves. Dante asks Levi to have hospital dinner together. Levi has other patients but he can spare 20 minutes. They start discussing The Great Bakeoff.

Benson meets Mr. and Mrs. Cardenas in the waiting area. They responded to the missing person notice. Their son was on break from grad school and got work on a fishing barge. It docked yesterday but they never heard from him. They heard about the robbery in the area. They show him a picture of their son Dorian. It is John Doe. Bailey overhears how Benson takes his time to compassionately tell them about Dorian's condition. Benson takes them to go see him in the ICU.

Teddy wakes up in her room and finds Owen sitting by her side. She asks if Mika told him that she cried. She's a mess. She keeps thinking about Sam on that OR table. She was supposed to save him. He understands she's diving into work to save everyone else. Owen tells her what happened with Sam was out of her control. She just needs to take time to recover. She agrees to and thanks him for looking after her. He removes the tablet from the room.

Amelia catches up with Winston as they head out for the day. She tells him she got a cat because she misses her family. She knows things have been rocky but she considers him family. She would love it if they were the kind of family that could fight and still eat meals together. She invites him to Joe's for a burger. He agrees.

Bailey finds Ben in the waiting room. Tuck is camping with Pru. Bailey tells Ben about what happened to Dorian. Bailey says the interns are just like any other class but Bailey herself has changed. She's seen and been through too much. Winston questioned her methods and she's thinking that he may be right. Ben recalls some parenting struggles he had with Pru while she's sailing through parenthood without a hitch. She has parented before. She knows when to get mad and when to hold a hand. She has changed but he knows it's for the better.

Jules carries the MVP trophy into the locker room. She also scored four procedures today. Victory looks good on her. Mika got two procedures and saw an attending cry. Benson also got two but he's not in the mood to gloat. Taryn arrives to leave with Mika. Jules starts cleaning her trophy while quietly chanting “MVP” to herself.

Link comes home to find the dinner table filled with seafood. She recalls Jimmy's first all-you-can-eat crab day. They didn't limit the time so everyone who came for lunch stayed through dinner. They barely made tips. After that terrible shift, they sat in the back booth eating oysters crackers and he told her that some day, she would be a doctor and make enough to afford everything on the menu. Link made that day better and he has done that many times since. She ordered everything from the menu from Fisherman's Lure. They share a kiss.

Simone comes home and finds Lucas in the living room. She admits she avoids hard truths until they're staring her in the face. She ran from Baltimore and her wedding, and she ran from him after what happened with Sam. She thinks she's too scared to admit that right now is not a good time for them. She's slipping up and hurting people. She needs to put herself and her career first. Lucas points out she always has. She accepted a marriage proposal right after kissing him, then asked him to be his best man, then asked for some time, which is over right when she needs him to make her feel better. He tells her that they're done.


Main Cast[]

Guest Stars[]


Medical Notes[]

Teddy Altman[]

  • Diagnosis:
  • Treatment:

Teddy was still in the hospital following her valve replacement. Winston ordered a chest x-ray for her.

Teddy's Patients[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Various
  • Treatment:
    • Various

While hospitalized, Teddy had Mika check on her patients, including Ms. Acharya, whose biopsy was benign, Mr. Jenkins, whose echo got pushed, Mr. Tuggle, who needed his pacing lines removed, Mr. Futrell, who was always pulling out his A-line, as well as Ms. Grenados.

Patty Best[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Leg laceration
  • Treatment:
    • Stitches

Patty had a laceration to her leg. Jules stitched up the laceration and bandaged her leg.

Billy Best[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Broken arm
  • Doctors:
  • Treatment:
    • Casting

Billy injured his arm during a softball game and said he couldn't straighten it.

Allie Best[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Spinal disk herniation
    • Cauda equina syndrome
  • Treatment:
    • Spinal decompression

Allie injured her back in a softball game. She was 29 weeks pregnant. Jules examined her and called for ortho, neuro, and OB consults. She told Amelia she had had back pain during her pregnancy, but it was worse and sharper, and she was also numb in her groin area. When she felt moisture between her legs, she believed her water had broken, but Jo said it was urine. Amelia ordered an MRI, concerned about a spinal injury. She had a severe disk herniation at L5 and S1, cauda equina syndrome. Because of her pregnancy, their options for surgery were limited. They used padding to create a hole that would allow her to lie face down without putting pressure on her belly. During surgery, the baby started having decels, so Jo tried to reposition the baby in the hopes of giving them more time, but it didn't work, so they flipped her and Jo did a c-section. After her surgery, her husband was told it went well and she'd make a full recovery.

Bo Best[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Broken nose
  • Doctors:
  • Treatment:

Bo broke his nose during a softball game when he was hit with a softball.

Dorian Cardenas[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Gun shot wounds
    • Bilateral hemopneumothoraces
    • Bowel rupture
    • Shattered spleen
  • Treatment:
    • Thoracotomy
    • Splenectomy

Dorian came into the ER with multiple gun shot wounds. They found three wounds in his front and two in back, meaning a bullet was still inside him. An x-ray showed bilateral hemopneumothoraces. He coded, so they were forced to do a thoracotomy in the ER. After twenty minutes of cardiac massage, Winston discontinued resuscitation efforts. Kwan asked if he could take over the massage to get the practice only to have Dorian's heart start beating again. Then they moved him to the OR, where they discovered that one of the bullets had shattered his spleen and ruptured both his bowels and his SMA before becoming lodged in his lung. After surgery, he was in the ICU in critical, but stable condition.

Dante Collier[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Cholecystitis
    • HIV
  • Treatment:
    • Cholecystectomy

Dante, 33, was in the hospital for abdominal pain and had been diagnosis with cholecystitis. He was having surgery. While preparing him for surgery, Simone asked him if he was taking anything for HIV, unaware that he didn't know he had it. He was upset and requested another doctor. When Richard confirmed his HIV status, Dante told him he would be leaving against medical advice. When Levi went to deliver his forms, he talked to Dante about his future living with HIV. Dante collapsed in pain and ultimately agreed to stay and have surgery. His gallbladder was inflamed, so they had to convert to an open procedure, which meant his recovery would be longer. He then admitted he'd missed some calls from the health department but had put off talking to them.

ER Patient[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Dislocated finger
  • Treatment:

Jules treated a patient in the ER with a dislocated finger.

Baby Best[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Prematurity
  • Treatment:
    • Mechanical ventilation

Baby Best was born at 29 weeks. Her father was told she'd need some time on a ventilator, but she was strong.


Song Performer Scene
"It's All Good" Rachel West, Izzy Harlow
  • Jo and Link have had sex.
  • Mika and Taryn are having sex.
  • Lucas and Simone are annoyed by the noise.
  • Amelia talks to her new cat.
"To Never See the Light" Luke Beling
  • Levi sits down and talks to Dante.
  • Blue talks to the parents of their John Doe, whose name is Dorian.
  • Teddy talks to Owen about her feelings.
  • Owen takes her tablet and leaves.
"Known" The Dramatics
  • Jules polishes her trophy.
  • Link comes home to a romantic dinner.
  • Jo shares a memory.
  • Simone tells Lucas it's not a good time for them to date.
  • Lucas tells her she always puts herself first and says they're done.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • This episode's title originated from the song Keep the Family Close, originally sung by Drake.
  • This episode scored 3.50 million viewers.[2]


Episode Stills[]


See Also[]

A complete overview of this episode's crew can be found here.

