Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

Keisha Brotherton came into the ER after her mother fell down the stairs while holding her.


Teresa Brotherton came into the ER with her baby, whom she'd been carrying when she fell down the stairs. During the fall, the baby hit her head and Teresa was worried because she'd stopped crying. In the ER, her fontanelle was bulging and she was lethargic, so they called a neuro consult. Meanwhile, Teresa herself collapsed.

Sean Brotherton was told the baby had a brain contusion and they wanted to keep her for observation, but he was more worried about Teresa and said he wasn't really hearing what they were saying to him. He told them to do what they needed to do for the baby. When asked for the baby's name, he told them they'd just adopted her a week ago and were trying to get to know her before giving her a name.

After Teresa's surgery, Lexie brought the baby to see her parents, but Teresa crashed and Sean, unable to deal with it, had Lexie take the baby back.

The baby was cleared to be discharged, but because her mom was still hospitalized, Bailey authorized her staying another night.

Sean came to visit the baby in the nursery and confessed that he was worried that his wife would die and said he couldn't raise the baby on his own, so he needed to know who to call if she died.

Meredith told Sean that sometimes, people bond instantly and others take a while. She said he probably knows more about her than he thinks he does. He listed the few things she does know about her and Meredith says that's five things no one else knows.

When Teresa died, Sean came to visit the baby in the nursery and asked to pick her up. He held her and said he was going to name her Keisha because that's what her mother wanted to name her.



She'd been adopted by her parents only a week before her mother died. She'd bonded easily with her mother, but not so much with her father, who said she didn't feel like his even after that week. He didn't think he'd be able to keep her after Teresa died, but decided to keep her after realizing he knew more about her than he thought he did.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • She sleeps with her hand under her chin.
  • She hates the car seat, unless you put a stuffed duck under her head.