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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

Lucia Castelino is a teen who found out she was pregnant at the hospital.


Lucia was attending the sexual education presentation at the hospital when she suddenly got up and ran out. In a stairwell, she found Addison Forbes Montgomery, who asked if she was okay. Lucia asked if more than three weeks had passed since the state fair. Addison didn't know, but it didn't matter, because Lucia's period was late either way. Addison offered her a blood pregnancy test and said she wouldn't tell Lucia's parents. When the results showed that Lucia was pregnant, Levi Schmitt delivered the news and asked if she wanted to continue the pregnancy. She told him she didn't and Levi and Addison gave Lucia a medication abortion. Lucia was worried something would go wrong, so Addison assured her that was extremely rare and gave Lucia her number to call her if anything felt wrong.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • She has a pet fish she forgot to feed.