The Mall Explosion is an explosion thought to be an act of terror that sent multiple patients to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.
While working in the ER, April and Owen saw a news report about an explosion at the nearby Mall of the Woods. They immediately began preparing the hospital for the incoming patients. The news report indicated that they suspected it was an act of terror.
Owen gave a press conference, where he said that some of the patients had blisters and rashes, but they didn't know the cause. As a precaution, they were using decontamination showers.
The ORs were set up with surgeons in each one with rotating patients.
Marilyn came into the hospital with blisters on her arm. Her husband was with her, but she was more worried about their son, Leo, who was separated from them in the explosion. While April believed she found Leo elsewhere in the hospital, it turned out not to be him.
Leanne Smith, who was pregnant, came in with a serious injury to her arm. She explained that she was a surrogate before her surgery. In surgery, her arm had to be amputated and the baby was delivered and the parents came to meet her.
Ray Pelletier came from Homeland Security asking to interview certain patients. They wanted to speak specifically to Meredith's patient, Mike. They had footage of him from the mall before the explosion walking around with a backpack. They interrogated him until he collapsed and had to be taken into surgery. After his surgery, Ray wanted to question him again, but Meredith refused to allow it. Then Ray got a phone call and said Mike was no longer a suspect.
The doctors learned that the rashes came from chemicals from a dry cleaner in the mall, meaning it wasn't a chemical bomb. They then learned it wasn't a bomb at all, but a gas main explosion.
Characters Present[]
Doctors and Medical Personnel[]
- Meredith Grey
- Cristina Yang
- Alex Karev
- Miranda Bailey
- Richard Webber
- Callie Torres
- Owen Hunt
- Arizona Robbins
- April Kepner
- Jackson Avery
- Jo Wilson
- Shane Ross
- Stephanie Edwards
- Leah Murphy
- Derek Shepherd
- Catherine Avery
- Amelia Shepherd
- Ben Warren
- Maggie Pierce
- Nicole Cummins
Notes and Trivia[]
- Leah helped treat patients despite not working at the hospital.
Station 19 Events