Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki
Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

Morgan is a teen who got in a fight with another teen over a girl.


Morgan was fighting with Todd when Travis Montgomery and Andy Herrera showed up. Joanie had called them because their previous fight had landed them in the hospital. They were fighting because Morgan had said hi to Joanie and she said hi back, despite having left Morgan for the other guy. Andy and Travis separated them and cleaned up their injuries, but things escalated again when Joanie and her boyfriend were talking about why he'd started the fight and he told her not to be a bitch about it. She turned around to punch him, but hit Eli Stern instead. While Andy took Eli to clean him up, Travis told the teens they could either call the parents to come get them or he'd call the cops to do it. After they called their parents, Morgan started to feel faint, so they helped him take off his duck costume, thinking he was overheated, only to find he was bleeding because the cage in the costume had impaled him. They loaded him into the aid car and took him to the hospital. On the way, he coded, but after his arrival at the hospital, he stabilized.



He was dating Joanie until she left him for Todd.


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