Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki
Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

Phyllis Myers is a disgruntled chemical engineer who attempted to blow up her workplace.


Phyllis spent thirty years developing a low-cost way to purify water. She did so with a promise that the patent would be left open, so the technology could be used around the world to save lives by providing steady access to potable water. When she learned that Sanjay and Kevin had no only closed the patent, but patented in their names, she blocked the exit and held all the employees at her workplace hostage. She had two substances that would create a large explosion if mixed. Crisis One responded and Vic started talking to Phyllis while Theo called the bomb squad. Phyllis explained why she was mad and Vic related to her as a woman in a male-dominated profession. Vic finally got Phyllis to free the hostages by agreeing to stay with her and figure out a way out. Just as the last hostages left, Phyllis heard sirens. Kevin told her the police were coming and she'd be going to jail, so she closed the door and ran back inside, followed by Kevin, Sanjay, and Vic. She went into a room and caused an explosion intended to destroy the prototype. The explosion caused a fire that trapped the four of them in the building and heated up the backup batteries for their servers to the point where they started releasing toxic gas. While they waited for help to arrive, Vic treated Phyllis's leg, which was injured by the blast. With no other means of egress, the firefighter set up a landing bag underneath them, allowing them to jump to safety. Kevin and Sanjay jumped easily, but when it was Phyllis's turn, she refused to go, saying she didn't want to go to jail. Vic was unable to persuade her, so Maya rappelled from the building's roof, put Phyllis in a harness, and lowered her to safety while Vic jumped. Maya then helped her to a gurney, where she was arrested.


She is a chemical engineer. She spent thirty years developing a low-cost way to purify water for drinking. When her employers patented his work with the intent of making a profit, she was livid and took her co-workers hostage.
