Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki
Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

Seth was the on-again, off-again boyfriend of JJ Lau.


Seth was at JJ's house and they were trying to have sex, but they were interrupted by the smoke detector in her house, which kept beeping. JJ said she'd changed the battery the day before, but it wouldn't stop beeping. To get it to stop, Seth took a baseball bat and hit it, breaking it, but stopping the beeping. ("Invisible to Me")

Later, when she discovered their building was on fire, JJ tried to call Seth to let him know, as she believed he was at work. However, Dean discovered him still in the building, trapped in his apartment by a fallen shelf. Dean pulled him out, but he later died of smoke inhalation. ("Contain the Flame")



He was romantically involved with JJ Lau. She described him as her sometimes-boyfriend.



