Shannon Valentine is the mother of Misty Valentine.
Shannon's daughter, Misty, was a competitive cyclist when a car accident when she was thirteen resulted in the above-knee amputation of her leg. Two years later, she was in the hospital because she had persistent pain in her residual limb and also said her prosthetic fell off sometimes, including at school. Because of this, she'd had to give up cycling. Link said he could do a residual limb revision, removing more of her leg, to allow the prothetic to fit better, but Catherine challenged them to do better. Link then proposed osseointegration, implanting a titanium rod into her femur which would then connect directly to her prosthesis. He'd only done it twice before, both in adults, but he was sure he could do on Misty. Misty and her parents agreed to the surgery. When they placed the rod, Link realized it wouldn't work and therefore wouldn't fit perfectly, defeating the purpose. He went to her parents to get permission to remove more of her femur. They were hesitant, but agreed. Once that was done, he placed the rod and it fit perfectly. Misty was told she'd be able to ride her bike again.
She is married to Anthony Valentine.
She and Anthony are close friends with Catherine Fox.