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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki
Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

Research suggests that we start to recognize our mother's voice from the womb around 31 weeks. As soon as we're born, our language skills begin to develop. From birth to six months, we mostly coo, cry, and murmur as the vocal cords mature. Then we advance to babbling, until words start around 18 months. Eventually, words lead to sentences and soon, we forget the time when we couldn't speak at all. Children are less afraid to say what they're feeling than adults. It's only as we get older that we learn to censor ourselves. Maybe we do it because we're simply afraid to rock the boat. Or maybe we're terrified that by saying what we feel, or asking for what we need, we will cause more trouble than there is to begin with. So we choose over and over again to tamp down our voices, to stuff it so far down it can make us sick, until we can't anymore and we have to let it out. Even if it's the hardest thing in the world.

She Used to Be Mine is the seventh episode of the twentieth season and the 427th overall episode of Grey's Anatomy.

Short Summary[]

An unexpectedly complex case brings back painful memories for Simone. Jules and Blue make a high-stakes bet on who can finish their procedure log first. Richard suspects Winston is avoiding him.

Full Summary[]

Simone and her family help Joyce Ward to move into her room at a care facility. Joyce doesn't remember picking this one and turns to "Denise" to verify that she did. Simone shows her a photo of her mother. Joyce comments it is from the time she was pregnant with Simone.

Amelia quizzes Lucas as they drive to work. He ignores a stop sign as he answers, causing her to yell.

Mika and Benson arrive at work in Mika's van Leona. Leona's engine dies and Benson is quick to get out.

Amelia joins Owen and Teddy as they arrive at work. She complains about Lucas's driving and Owen quickly leaves for the cafeteria. Amelia supposes it's waffle day but Teddy says Owen has been distant around her when the kids are not around. Teddy thinks Amelia knows more, but she denies.

The interns minus Simone tail Bailey, who reminds them of the ABSITE exam taking place one week from today. If they fail to show up, they no longer work for her. Simone joins the group late. They head into Dorian's ICU room. Lucas presents the case. Dorian is tolerating a clear liquid diet after the ulcer clipping. He's ambulating and pain-free, which means he's being downgraded to a regular room. To celebrate, Bailey brought Dorian new comic books. She is paged to the OR. Levi then hands out assignments to the interns.

Down in the ER, both Jules and Benson are praying for an incoming chest tube as they both have one missing for their procedure log. Whoever loses has to buy the other drinks at Joe's. Jules joins Owen while Benson tags along with Link as two ambulances arrive. Owen's patient is Gillian Mendelson, 46, who was in an MVC and is suffering from a headache with TLOC. The other patient is Cassandra Lewis, 45, who has swelling of the left knee. She's high after being given morphine for the pain.

Inside the ER, Simone meets Miles Ferguson and his wife Lauren Ferguson, who is 39 weeks pregnant and experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions. Lauren tries to keep their son Jayden under control. Miles hurt his wrist as he fell whilst moving furniture around. Simone orders an X-ray. Lauren experiences another painful contraction and mentions she also suffers from indigestion. Simone offers to have her checked out by an OB while they wait for Miles' X-ray.

Benson and Link decide that Cassandra's X-ray looks clear. They'll drain the blood from the joint. Meanwhile, Owen has found that Gillian's C-spine looks clear as well. They explain they were at Hamilton Viewpoint, which is where all the teenagers go to make out. They met there for "lunch" as well. One of them must have hit the parking brake as things got heated, causing Gillian's car to roll down the hill and smash into Cassandra's minivan. Owen orders a head CT for Gillian, who finds Cassandra's bra in her bag of belongings. As soon as she notices a man at the desk, she has Jules shut the curtain between her and Cassandra's beds and shoves the bra into her hands. The car app notified him of the accident. Gillian introduces the doctors to her husband Aaron.

CCU nurse Connie Feng asks Winston out for a drink. He says he'll keep that in mind but his schedule's crazy right now. Richard has observed the interaction and comments that Connie seems nice. Richard says he's looking forward to the hiatal hernia they're scheduled for together today.

While Simone plays with Jayden, Jo informs Lauren that she's 4.5cm dilated. Lauren says she's not ready to give birth now with her husband in the ER. Lauren's blood pressure is going up. Lauren visited her OB last week but she hasn't heard about the blood results yet. Jo asks Simone to call and arranges new blood and urine tests. Simone will get Miles up here and they can send Jayden to daycare. Lauren comments Jayden has no idea how much her life is about to change. Jo finds kids handle it better than adults think they will.

Jules and Benson discuss their patients' affair. Jules only has one more lac to suture, the chest tube, and two IVs left on her log. She ups their bet to drinks and fries. Aaron and Gillian are arguing over Cassandra rear-ending Gillian. Aaron claims that Cassandra depends on Gillian too much. He thinks it's not on them that Cassandra struggles as a single parent. Owen takes Gillian for her CT.

Mika, Levi, and Lucas arrive with Dorian in his room, where they are greeted by James and Fiona, two of Dorian's friends from college. They reached out and insisted on being there.

Simone informs Miles that Lauren is in labor. His X-ray shows a distal radius fracture. They'll set the bone and get him a splint. Afterwards, he can meet up with Lauren. Simone assures him that Lauren is doing great.

Gillian's in the CT machine. She talks about how she and Aaron got married right out of law school. She does tax law and her life got so boring. She met Cass at PTA and she made life not boring. Amelia says the scan is clear and wishes them good luck with the messy situation.

Simone checks in with Jo and Lauren. Lauren is progressing beautifully. Simone says they're splinting Miles now and heads back out. Seconds later, Lauren has a nosebleed. Her blood pressure skyrockets and she starts seizing. Jo orders meds and has Carina paged for an emergent C-section.

Benson does a good job with the aspiration. Cassandra jokes this is the price for good sex. When she first saw Gillian, she was mesmerized despite her pricey athleisure and her always having one last question at PTA meetings. Cassandra knows that Gillian won't leave Aaron until the kids are in college. Link signs off on Benson's procedure log, meaning he only has one IV left, and has him take Cassandra for an MRI of her knee.

Mika, Benson, and Simone ignore Lucas sitting by himself as they sit down for lunch. Benson is not planning on sharing with Mika after she ate the stew he made last night. Jules joins them, tosses Benson Cassandra's bra, and they talk about the affair. Like Gillian, Jules believes that marriage is an antiquated institution. Benson is paged to Radiology. He leaves his lunch for Mika and asks Jules when they're meeting for dinner at Joe's.

Richard is surprised when Teddy joins him in the scrub room instead of Winston. Teddy thinks this is Richard trying to look out for her and assures him that she is fine.

Carina joins Jo in the OR and is briefed on the case. She takes over from Jo and makes the incision into the uterine wall. They deliver the baby, who looks good. Lauren heavily bleeds due to uterine atony and DIC. They manage to clamp the uterine bleeding but her vitals deteriorate. It looks like there is bleeding in the upper abdomen. They convert to an ex lap and have Bailey paged.

Aaron is surprised to hear that Gillian's CT is clear. Owen and Jules explain that she has a concussion. Aaron wonders why the airbag didn't go off. She claims she hit the door but he wonders why the cut is in the right side of her head then. Aaron thinks Cassandra hit her so hard she flipped in her seat. As he starts another rant of calling Cassandra irresponsible, Gillian yells that they have been having an affair for two years. The entire ER goes silent and Aaron wanders off. Gillian is surprised to find that her headache disappears when she yells.

Simone is walking Miles to the OB floor. She hasn't heard back from the OB yet. Miles talks about how they met, which also included a fall. Simone leaves Miles at the nurses' desk and leaves to answer a page.

Mika catches up with Lucas to tell him he left his soccer crap in the garage. He knows she changed the password to the online study prep. Mika says it's her login. They head into Dorian's room, where his friends are telling a story. Dorian feels uncomfortable and asks his friends to give him a minute. Lucas knows it sucks when your friends move on without you. Dorian says it's not that, his ostomy bag is leaking.

Amelia joins Owen and Jules in the MRI booth. Once the scanning is done, Gillian resumes the screaming to relieve the pain. Amelia says the images still look normal to her. She decides to scan Gillian again but asks her to scream during the scanning this time. The shift in venous pressure reveals an Arnold-Chiari malformation, which can be triggered by a whiplash. The screaming shifts her tonsils, which relieves some of the intracranial pressure and causing her to feel better. Amelia says they can do a simple surgery to relieve the pressure.

While operating, Teddy talks about how much she has missed the OR and how Owen is taking on the lion's share of parenting at home. Richard is sure he doesn't mind. Teddy then starts talking about an interesting case report she read.

Levi has arrived in Dorian's room to check out Dorian's incision. It's possible an enterocutaneous fistula has been formed. They'll need to get a CT to confirm. Lucas will update his friends so they don't have to worry.

Bailey joins Jo and Carina in the OR. They suspect it's a ruptured liver hematoma from HELLP syndrome. The labs still aren't back. The uterus starts bleeding again, meaning they have to resort to a hysterectomy. Bailey has the IR paged to be on standby for an embolization in case they fail to get control of the bleeding. Simone comes in as they order more blood and ask for more lap sponges. Bailey has Simone activate MTP.

Levi, Mika, and Lucas are watching Dorian's scan, confirming the fistula. They'll have to operate. This means no oral intake. Lucas hates that this is happening when Dorian was just starting to not be entirely miserable. Levi says they should think about getting Dorian back to the ICU. They'll have to wait for the antibiotics to take effect. It'll be a few days before they can operate.

Benson has brought Cassandra to Gillian's room and returned her bra to her. He texts with Link to schedule Cassandra's meniscus repair. He catches Jules going over her log and asks if she's thinking about backing out. His smugness just motivates her. He's so confident he'll win that he ups the bet to steak and lobster dinner at Nicoletti's. She ups the ante to them having sex in the car if she loses. That's how confident she is.

Lucas finds Dorian's friends. They went out and got him chicken parm. Lucas bluntly says that Dorian may never eat again. He was shot and he's already feeling disconnected enough not knowing how long he'll have to be here. He doesn't need to hear their stories. He just needs to know that they are actually there for him. As Lucas accuses them of being clueless as to what Dorian has been through, Mika comes up and orders him to take a walk. She apologizes for him.

Mika chases Lucas and asks him what his problem is. He leaves without giving her an answer.

In the OR, Lauren continues to hemorrhage. She codes as Simone arrives with more blood. Jo packs the abdomen while Bailey starts CPR. She orders Simone to get gowned and gloved despite not having completed her log. Bailey instructs her to use her fingers to perform a Pringle manoeuvre like she did in the rig.

Carina finds Miles in the waiting room and tells him about Lauren's dire condition.

Lauren's heart starts beating again. Bailey changes her gown and gloves and they resume the procedure with Simone assisting. Simone is plagued by visions of her mother lying on the table and backs away from the table.

Jo and Simone meet Miles and his daughter in the nursery. Lauren lost a lot of blood but they stabilized her. She's being moved to the ICU. Her indigestion was actually pain from worsening preeclampsia, causing liver failure. Miles questions how no one caught this before. They planned meticulously ever since they found out they were having another baby. Miles wants to see Lauren. Jo goes to check when that is possible. Miles isn't sure he could raise his daughters without Lauren. Simone inquires about the girl's name. Simone has a flash of her father telling her it's Simone. Miles says it's Imani, which means "faith."

Owen finds Aaron in the waiting area. Amelia repaired the malformation and Gillian is recovering in the ICU. Aaron wonders where it went wrong in his marriage. He and Gillian stopped talking but he figured that's what happens after 20 years of marriage. You think you know what the other person is thinking so you don't ask. Now he thinks he didn't ask because he was afraid of losing her. And now he's lost her anyway. Owen says he's sorry.

Winston informs Connie of post-op instructions on a patient of his. Richard comes in and says he missed Winston in surgery. Winston says it was just one of those days. Richard knows Winston and Maggie have been discussing divorce. He wants Winston to know he has his full support as he has come to think of him as a son. He doesn't want that to change. Winston has his blessing if he wants to get to know that nurse better. He hopes Winston won't feel the need to avoid him like he did today. Winston says his bypass graft ran long. Richard realizes he just made it weird.

At Joe's, Simone orders two shots of tequila. Benson asks if she's meeting someone. She doesn't want to talk. She orders a refill. Benson takes dinner to his and Jules's table.

In the ICU, Nurse Gregory informs Jo that Lauren's labs just came back. She sighs. Link arrives and checks if she's okay. Jo says the labs came back positive for HELLP hours after Lauren went through hell. She won't recover for months. This could have been avoided if Jo had put a rush on those labs. She thinks she's a part of the problem. She decides to quit general surgery and focus all of her time on OB.

In the locker room, Mika checks if Lucas apologized to Dorian's friends. He did not. She thinks he's lucky it was her that caught his outburst. He asks if she would have done the same thing for Kwan. She clarifies that it was Simone who asked him to move in. She's sorry Lucas and Simone didn't work out. Lucas denies that it is about Simone. He recalls that Mika told him she was done being his friend. She was mad about him stealing a procedure but she didn't think he would disappear into the night. Fighting with Mika makes him feel normal. She says that is pathetic and calls him Skywalker again, causing them both to smile.

Owen drops by Teddy's office. He's afraid of losing her. It feels like they're on autopilot. It made sense when she was recovering but they are past that now, yet they are still not talking. He's struggling in his work and he's talking to Amelia about it. He feels like he can't talk to Teddy about it because he is afraid of causing her more stress. Teddy doesn't know what else she can do to convince him that she won't break. She has always been able to count on them. He admits he misses them. She locks the door and they proceed to make out.

Simone orders more shots. She can't remember the bartender's name. Bailey comes in to pick up dinner and tells Simone to come with her. Benson and Jules watch them leave. He'll check on Simone at home later. Jules is determined to settle her bets, which means there's only the sex left. Mika arrives. She's upset that they ate without her and announces that they have to sit with her until she's done eating. Jules and Benson share a longing look as she orders her dinner.

Bailey has brought Simone home. She brings her a cup of coffee. Simone thinks she should have said something to Jo about atypical abdominal pain. She tells Bailey about her mother's death at Grey Sloan. She knows someone missed something. She always wondered who those doctors are. Now she knows she's just like them. Bailey makes her look at her and assures her she did everything they were taught to do. This is why people like Lauren need surgeons like them. It is their job to make sure no one falls through the cracks. It is not fair and it shouldn't be this way. But that does not mean it's Simone's fault. Bailey tells her to get some rest.


Main Cast[]

Guest Stars[]


Medical Notes[]

Dorian Cardenas[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Enterecutaneous fistula
  • Treatment:
    • Surgery

Dorian was told his hemoglobin and hematocrit were stable, he was tolerating a liquid diet, and his labs were normal, so he was being downgraded from the ICU. After his move, he said he thought his ostomy was leaking. They discovered it wasn't the ostomy. It was fluids. He'd developed a enterecutanous fistula. They ran a CT, which confirmed the diagnosis. He needed surgery to repair it.

Gillian Mendelson[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Scalp laceration
    • Concussion
    • Arnold-Chiari Malformation
  • Treatment:
    • Surgery

Gillian, 46, was brought to the ER was in a car accident. She had a scalp laceration and complained of a headache. Her neuro exam was good, but they ordered a CT to be safe. The CT was clear, so they said they'd keep her for observation as she might have a concussion. While yelling at her husband, she realized she had less pain in her head, so she yelled continuously as she got another scan. Amelia still didn't see anything, so Amelia had her scream while they did another scan. She told Gillian she had an Arnold-Chiari Malformation. It was triggered by whiplash. Amelia said she could have surgery to relieve the pressure. After surgery, her husband was told she was recovering in the ICU.

Cassandra Lewis[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Knee injury
  • Treatment:
    • Needle aspiration
    • Meniscus repair

Cassandra, 45, was brought to the ER after a car accident. Her left knee was swollen and she was given morphine in the field. X-ray showed no breaks, so they did a needle aspiration to remove the blood around her knee to reduce the swelling. Once that was done, Link ordered an MRI. They later did a meniscus repair.

Miles Ferguson[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Distal radius fracture
  • Treatment:
    • Splinting

Miles was moving furniture when he slipped on the floor and hurt his wrist. An x-ray showed a distal radius fracture, so they put a splint on him.

Lauren Ferguson[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Pregnancy
    • HELLP Syndrome
    • Eclampsia
    • Eclamptic seizure
    • Uterine atony
    • Disseminated intravascular coagulation
    • Liver subcapsular hematoma
  • Treatment:
    • Emergency c-section
    • Hysterectomy
    • Pringle maneuver

Lauren, 30, was 39 weeks pregnant and having irregular contractions. She also complained of indigestion. Simone took her to OB for an exam. Jo told her she was 4.5 centimeters dilated. Her blood pressure was high, so Jo tried to relax her. They also reached out to her OB to get her records and ordered labs. When Lauren developed a nosebleed, Jo checked on the labs and learned they weren't back yet. Her blood pressure was high and she started seizing. Jo paged Carina and rushed Lauren into an emergency c-section. Carina delivered the baby, but then Lauren started bleeding heavily due to uterine atony and DIC. Carina got that bleeding under control, but then she hemorrhaged in her upper abdomen. Carina said it was probably a liver subcapsular hematoma. Jo said she'd complained of pain, but Jo thought it was due to labor. When her uterus started bleeding again, Carina did a hysterectomy while Bailey worked on the liver hematoma. Bailey did a Pringle maneuver on her liver. After much difficulty, they were able to stop the bleeding and she was moved to the ICU.

Mr. Riley[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Hiatal hernia
  • Treatment:
    • Surgical repair

Mr. Riley had a hiatal hernia. Richard and Winston were scheduled to operate on him, but Winston got held up, so Teddy scrubbed in in his place.


Song Performer Scene
"Morning Sun" Otis Kane
  • Simone's family moves her grandmother into her new place.
  • Simone gets paged, but decides to stay.
  • Amelia quizzes Lucas as he drives.
  • Mika's van dies as she arrives at the hospital.
  • Teddy and Owen arrive at work.
"Crazy 4 Your Crazy" Wilmah
  • Lucas sits alone.
  • The other interns sit and eat together.
  • Benson and Jules discuss their bet.
"Owner of a Lonely Heart" AG, Sea Saint, Em Sherman
  • The doctors continue working on Lauren.
  • Carina updates Miles.
  • Simone imagines her own mother on the table.
"Hold the Line" Trenton, AG, Daniel Saint Black
  • The doctors update Miles.
  • Miles admits he didn't know what he'd do if she'd died.
  • Owen talks to Aaron.
"Superman" Sam Bettens
  • Simone orders a drink.
  • Benson asks if she's okay.
"Broken Sky" Ray LaMontagne
  • Teddy locks her door and kisses Owen.
  • Simone orders another shot.
  • Bailey makes Simone leave the bar.
  • Jules and Benson settle their bet.
  • Bailey brings Simone a hot drink.
  • Simone tells Bailey about her mom.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • This episode's title originated from the song She Used to Be Mine, originally sung by Sara Bareilles.
  • This episode scored 3.07 million viewers.[1]


Episode Stills[]


See Also[]

A complete overview of this episode's crew can be found here.

