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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

Simmi Johnson is a patient at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital.



Simmi started taking gymnastics when she was four. She was very good and was pursuing it as a career until she developed some hip pain. She thought it was a pulled muscle, so she trained through it, but she ultimately had to have both hips replaced.

Hip Replacements[]

Three days after having both of her hips replaced, Simmi was refusing to get out of bed and put weight on her new hips, risking clots and possibly permanent disability.

Alex was first sent in to try to get her to walk. After speaking with her about it, Alex left the room depressed.

Then Callie went in to talk to her and was left in a similar state.

Upon learning that they had both failed, Arizona went in to see Simmi. She showed Simmi her prosthetic leg and told her about her own struggle to regain her mobility. When that didn't work, she told Simmi that she would not become a monster. She told her that she would treat people with respect and she would start with herself. She said that Simmi had three seconds to get out of bed before Arizona would drag her out. Simmi stood up and took a few steps assisted by a walker.



She was said to be nicer when her mother was present. Her mother worked double shifts in order to support her daughter's dream of being a gymnast. Simmi hoped that one day, her hard work would mean that her mother wouldn't have to work so hard anymore.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • She was 13 at the time of her hip replacements.
  • She was ranked number one at the Future Stars Nationals the year before her hips had to be replaced.