Station 19 is an ABC Grey's Anatomy spin-off revolving around the lives of Seattle firefighters that premiered on March 22, 2018 and ended on May 30, 2024. The show was created by Stacy McKee, who served as showrunner for the first two seasons, being replaced by Krista Vernoff as of the third season. Krista Vernoff left the show at the end of season six and was replaced by Peter Paige and Zoanne Clack.[1] On December 8, 2023, it was announced that season seven would be the last and the show would end in 2024.[2] Fans have launched a save campaign including a petition to #SaveStation19. The petition has over 94,000 signatures.
The series follows a group of heroic firefighters at Seattle Fire Station 19 – from captain to newest recruit – as they risk their lives and hearts both in the line of duty and off the clock. These brave men and women are like family, literally and figuratively, and together they put their own lives in jeopardy as first responders to save the lives of others.
In Seattle, all firefighters are also trained Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and the crew at Station 19 is second to none. Working in 24-hour shifts, these professionals spend so much time together that they build relationships unlike any others.
Cast and Characters[]
- A list that contains all characters can be found here.
Current Main Cast[]
Former Main Cast[]
DVD Releases[]
Notes and Trivia[]
- The show was announced on May 16, 2017.[3]
- Production started on August 22, 2017.[source?]
- On September 12, 2017, it was announced that Jason George's character, Ben Warren, would be moving to the new series.[source?]
- A 30-second ad during an episode of the first season cost advertisers $107,272.[source?]
- Before the name Station 19 was decided, the crew jokingly referred to it as Blaze Anatomy.[source?]
- Some of the cast had a two-day training session with the technical advisors of the show, who are actual firefighters. They also talked with firefighters from Seattle and Los Angeles.[source?]
- This is the fifth show to be marketed as part of TGIT, following Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, and The Catch.[source?]
- Stacy McKee served as showrunner for the first two seasons. Krista Vernoff took over as of the third season.[source?]
- In Germany, the show was renamed to Seattle Firefighters, while in France, the show was renamed to Grey's Anatomy: Station 19.[source?]
- Like Grey's Anatomy, the episodes are named after songs.[4]
- Over the course of seven seasons, Jason George as Ben Warren was the only person to appear in every episode. Jaina Lee Ortiz as Andy Herrera, Barrett Doss as Victoria Hughes, and Danielle Savre as Maya Bishop each missed just one episode.