Taylor is a resident of a sober-living house who was trapped in a fire.
June Hardy decided to fry up some fish to celebrate one of the house residents hitting six months clean, but accidentally knocked over the fryer, starting a fire that quickly spread due to them using partitions to split each of the rooms into smaller rooms to accommodate the 19 people living there. Taylor became trapped, along with Milo, whom he considered like a son. Taylor had recently had knee surgery, so he was unable to walk out. They came across Ben Warren, who had fallen in through the roof and Ben and Milo started carrying Taylor out. They had to stop when Milo collapsed from smoke inhalation, aggravated by his asthma. Ben said he couldn't carry them both, especially down stairs, so he gave Taylor his oxygen and said he'd come right back. He carried Milo out, but was unable to go back, leaving Taylor trapped there as the structure was engulfed in flames.
He and Milo were very close and Milo said that Taylor was like a dad to him.