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Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki
Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki

There's a stage you go through during child birth and it's the toughest part. It's called the transition stage. You've been pushing so hard and so long that you're exhausted, spent and there's nothing to show for your effort. During this transition stage, it feels like you can't go on, but it's only because you're very nearly there. Transition is movement from one part of life to a whole new one. And it can feel like one long, scary, dark tunnel. But you have to come out the other side because what's been waiting there might be glorious.

We Gotta Get Out of This Place is the sixteenth episode of the tenth season and the 212th overall episode of Grey's Anatomy.

Short Summary[]

It's Richard's birthday and Bailey invites him to scrub in on the case of a lifetime. Meredith hires a research assistant to help with her portal vein project. A scorned Callie gives Derek quite the shock. Meanwhile, Shane helps screen candidates for Cristina's clinical trial and meets a young expectant mother who needs his help.

Full Summary[]

As the elevator doors open, Richard is wished a happy birthday by Miranda and Arizona, who were waiting to get on the elevator. Owen gets on too and wishes him happy birthday as well. Richard knows he's only saying that because she said it. Owen's guilty. He asks Richard to come find him at the end of the day to talk about his surgical schedule. Richard assumes there's some sort of something for his birthday, as Catherine already let slip that she would be around today. Owen says it's not that, it's actually about his surgical schedule. Richard then asks Bailey, knowing she can't lie to him. She doesn't know anything about a party. They all get off the elevator and Owen has something from the hospital for Richard. Richard opens the envelope as Owen starts talking to a nurse. It's a brochure about retirement, making Richard watch Owen with an angry face. Jo and Leah walk past and wish him a happy birthday. "It was," Richard says. He walks off and drops the brochure in a garbage can.

Meredith and Stephanie enter the research lab with Eric, the bioengineer who was hired to help out with the research. Eric is excited to start working with the printer, but Meredith informs him he won't be printing anything just yet. Eric doesn't really understand, as he was hired over all other candidates to re-engineer the design of the portal veins. He worked up a couple of designs, which Stephanie thinks is awesome. Meredith on the other hand thinks it's presumptuous until he's read every scrap of data on every test they've run. He won't touch anything before he's done that. Meredith shows him the research information they've got and tells him to just dig in. He jokingly asks if he can use the chair and starts working. Before leaving, Meredith tells Stephanie to watch Eric read so he certainly won't touch anything.

Couples with young children are waiting outside an office. Inside, Shane is interviewing with young parents. They want to enter Cristina's clinical trial and they are hopeful because of the good results for baby Nathan. Shane finishes up and tells them that Dr. Yang has the final say.

Cristina is sitting in an X-ray viewing room, looking at the parents' kid's scans. The scans look good for the trial. Owen comes in, asking how the picking the candidates is going. It's going good. Cristina explains that Shane is meeting the candidates while she is only looking at the hearts to make sure her judgment stays unsullied. It's hard to find candidates that meet all the criteria. Cristina then blurts out that he needs an algorithm, some kind of scientific way of choosing the perfect mate, where you can put only the criteria you want and you're then presented with only suitable candidates. That's internet dating, it already exists, Owen points out. Owen doesn't need a date, he says. He asks to keep him posted on the hearts and leaves.

April and Jackson are discussing their dirty kitchen as April suddenly sees his mother at the other side of the hall. She's watching them and she does not look happy. They awkwardly walk towards her. "I understand congratulations are in order?" she asks. Jackson puts his arm around April and they awkwardly smile.

Bailey is doing an ultrasound in the ER, asking Greg how long he's been experiencing this pain. Comes and goes, he says, but his wife says it's been 10 years, ever since they got married. He won't go see anyone, until now. That's because he's a junk collector, selling stuff at flea markets, which doesn't really make for regular coverage, but now he's got Obamacare. Bailey then finds a mass and Jodi thinks it's cancer. Bailey suddenly starts smiling but tries to hide it. She says they need a CT to know more. As she and Leah walk off, Leah wants to know what she saw. Bailey tells her to take the man to CT and to tell no one of this. 

Derek enters a conference room where Callie, Paula and Owen are waiting. Derek wants to know why his surgery got cancelled. That's why Owen paged him. Callie came to him with concerns about a property conflict about the sensors. Callie thinks the sensors are theirs, not his. She introduces Paula as her lawyer.

Greg is in CT. Bailey is anxiously waiting for the scans, hoping it is what she thinks it is. The scans comes up and she starts cheering because it is. Leah doesn't understand why she's so excited about this massive mass, which Bailey calls glorious. Bailey points at something on the scan, and now Leah gets it. As Bailey starts explaining what they're going to do next, Meredith walks in. Bailey thought she told Leah to tell no one about it. "Tell no one what?" Meredith asks. She looks at the scans and wants in. Bailey says it's hers, but Meredith replies it's theirs now. Bailey tells Leah to page Webber, because it's his birthday.

As Shane finishes up an interview with parents, a pregnant teen comes bursting in. She wants in on the trial, even though the nurse already said she didn't qualify. She shows a printed news paper article about their success with baby Nathan and says she's exactly what they're looking for: HLHS and at least one failed conduit procedure. Shane says they're looking for pediatric patients over 1. She's 17, so she is a pediatric patient. Prepubescence, Shane clarifies, kids that are still growing. She shows him her pregnant belly. "That's perfect, I just had a huge grow spurt," she says. She's doing 6 weeks and she wants a heart that'll survive giving birth.

Richard doesn't understand why they want him to look at the scans. Because it's his birthday. Richard doesn't want to talk about his birthday anymore, stating there are fine surgeons working till over their 70s. He's not even near 70. Meredith tells him to just look at the scans. He does so, and then recognizes fetus in fetu. The man absorbed his own twin. He's never seen this in his career before, and neither have the others. Richard gets excited and Bailey congratulates him again. 

Jo approaches Alex with the love contract. She thinks it's creepy, like they have to bow to the hospital gods. Arizona comes over and tells Alex she sent him the latest labs for their transoral fundoplication, a very cool procedure to fix a kid's reflux without leaving a scar. Alex tells her she can be in on it if she signs the contract, but she doesn't want to.

Richard, Leah, and Bailey tell Greg and Jodi that Greg developed around his twin in utero. Most of the times, fetus in fetu isn't harmful, but now it's the cause of Greg's pain, indicating it'll cause problems if it hasn't already. Richard says they scheduled surgery to remove it. Greg yells to stop calling him "it". He's excited he has a twin brother.

Sheryll wants Shane to bend the rules so she can be in on the trial, but he can't, even though he wants to. Then Sheryll's water breaks. Shane calls for a wheelchair and orders a nurse to page labor and delivery. He asks Sheryll if he can call anyone, but she doesn't know who the father is and that's part of why her parents don't talk to her anymore. There's one person he can call, Dr. Yang, to ask her to let her in on the trial.

In the X-ray viewing room, Cristina tells Ross that Sheryll is too old, but Shane starts talking about bending the rules. Cristina replies that would skew the results of the trial and reminds him that she doesn't know want to know about the patient, only about their hearts, so she won't get influenced. She wants to see a heart that has had a previous surgery to correct the defect, is currently in poor cardiac health and is in the body of a kid between the ages of 1 and 12, a heart that is still growing. Sheryll's heart isn't a heart like that.

As Shane leaves, Cristina calls Owen to ask about the Internet dating. He answers that he thought she paged him for something urgent. She replies this is urgent, as she's about to get busy with the trial and he needs someone to snuggle with on rainy Seattle nights. She thinks he should say that in his profile. He hangs up the phone as Cristina tells him again to get a profile.

Owen walks back into the conference room where Callie and Derek are arguing over the sensors. He says it's not something he did to her, it's the contract he signed with them. She thinks he didn't have the rights to sign the contract, as he signed away something that is theirs. Derek reminds him that they are friends and that they spent the afternoon together yesterday on a playdate. That reminds him they have Sofia's dressy doll because Zola thought it was hers. "Like father, like daughter, I guess," Callie snaps. Owen interferes, saying they're drifting off. Callie says he's right, it was unprofessional. "The sensors are materials that you co-developed with me, in service of research I started and invited you to participate in. If you attempt to impair my access to these materials, I will have you prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," is what she should've said. Paula compliments her on what she said. Derek thinks she has no case. Owen interrupts again. Before anyone resorts to litigation, he wants to take the matter before the other members so maybe they can come up with something that is fair to both parties. Until then, he wants them to leave this matter alone.

As April starts saying how she gets that it must have been a shock for Catherine, Jackson stops her. He knows why Catherine is here. He could have saved her a trip, as he already called Mike Farris, the Avery Foundation's attorney who protects their financial interests. April can't believe Catherine thinks she's after Jackson's money. Catherine doesn't know what she's after. Jackson calls it enough, not allowing his mother to question his wife's character. Catherine reminds him she left a man at the altar, broke his heart and humiliated him in front of everyone that he loves. She has no idea what April is capable of, never mind Jackson. April assures her she's not after the money. Catherine thinks that's wonderful, saying that's what she said when she married into the Avery family. What she did next was sign a prenuptial agreement. Jackson calls it inappropriate, but Catherine bounces back that so was their engagement. Fortunately, Catherine says, postnuptial agreements were created for moments like this. She lays the documents on the table. Jackson calls this meeting over and storms out of the conference room. April walks out too.

April walks after Jackson, telling him she'll sign the documents, no problem. She doesn't want his money, she wants him. The agreement is only for when they get divorced, which they won't, so it doesn't matter. Jackson says that's not the point. He thinks it's a conversation they should have when they are ready, not for Catherine to come marching in dictating terms. April says it'll calm down Catherine, and now that she's part of her family, an olive branch isn't the worst thing to offer. They kiss and April wants to return to the conference room, but Jackson wants to let his mother stew for a while.

Leah shows Stephanie the scans of her case. Stephanie is jealous. Leah asks Eric if he wants to see to. No, but what he wants is to work on the printer. Stephanie adds it's her job to make sure that he doesn't. Leah teases her that it'll make her miss out on the amazing case. Eric now wants to see so Stephanie shows him, but he immediately regrets his decision when he sees the gross scans. Eric notices Stephanie is excited about the rare case so he tells her he can read on his own.  She notices he's doodling instead and orders him to read. After Leah leaves for her surgery, she asks Eric how something in the notes would work theoretically.

In Greg's room, Richard and Leah are showing off the scans of the fetus in fetu to a group of interns. Richard wants all interns to see, as this is the Halley's comet of their careers. Owen comes in and Richard asks what he's doing. He came to take a look, but Richard points at all the interns waiting outside and tells him there's a line. He's deadly serious about it. Owen is forced to leave as Richard continues teaching enthusiastically, calling the fetus the Mona Lisa, and then starts explaining how they'll remove it. Suddenly, Greg shouts they're not taking out his brother because his brother is incredibly rare. Richard says it still has to come out and Greg asks if he wants to destroy the Mona Lisa. He won't sign the consent. His wife can't believe her ears.

In the cafeteria, Meredith says that Cristina is fixing baby hearts, Derek is mapping the human brain and she... has the most amazing surgery ever, Cristina completes her sentence as she takes a look at Greg's scans. She wants in to, but the fetus is nowhere near the heart. She shows the scans to Alex, who wants in too and says it technically is a peds case. Meredith tells him to back off as it's "the reason she lives". Cristina tells Alex Meredith is mopey because she let a lab rat loose in her lab and Meredith compares it to leaving your kids with a babysitter, not knowing if they'll follow your orders. Cristina shows her a picture of a woman on her phone and asks Meredith if she's hot. Mer asks if she's giving up on men, but Cristina says it's for Owen and explains she discovered online dating. Alex suggests she just keep banging him and he tells Meredith Jo won't sign the love contract because it's stupid and he says he knew he shouldn't have given it to her. Meredith advises him to tell her it's just a stupid piece of paper. He leaves and tells Meredith he's blaming her if Jo runs. Callie and Arizona sit down and Callie tells Meredith she hates her husband. Arizona reminds her Owen told her not to talk about it and then Callie has a conversation with herself about how much she hates Derek Shepherd. Cristina shows them a picture of a woman from the dating site and asks them if they think she's hot. Arizona says yes, which prompts Callie to tell her she now hates her. Callie leaves as Meredith gets paged.

She meets up with Leah and Bailey, who tells her that Richard talked their patient out of surgery. Richard's talk made the man realize he loves his brother and doesn't want to be separated from it. Richard says he was explaining the uniqueness of his condition and apparently, his words cast a spell. They all suggest ways they could talk Greg back into accepting surgery and Richard promises he'll fix it, even though he still doesn't know how he's gonna do that. He leaves and Meredith accompanies him. "Worst birthday ever," Richard says.

Shane appears in the doorway of Sheryll's room. A laboring Sheryll asks Shane if he talked to Dr. Yang and asks what she said. Shane says she didn't say anything as she was busy. Sheryll realizes he's just trying to cover up that she said no. He wants to leave and she starts talking about how she was told she would be dead by 15, which is why she dropped out of high school, hitchhiked and had sex. She's having this baby because she thought she was going to die and now that it's coming, she really wants to live to have a chance to be the baby's mother. She begs him to bring in Dr. Yang so she can talk to her herself.

Alex meets Jo in a patient room. She's doing Webber's post-ops as Webber is busy with the fetus in fetu. He tells her he's about to do the fundoplication and that she would be in there too if she were back in peds. He shows her the love contract. She once again declines and he starts talking about how it's just piece paper that he hated at first too, but she reminds him it's a legal document. He asks what's the problem about that and she says that in her experience, signing papers is a kiss of death, for example the DNR the patient signed two days ago, and now she's using it. Arizona appears in the doorway and says their guy for the fundoplication is being prepped. "Is that the cool transoral thing? Cutting-edge, only being done in a few top level peds surgery programs?" he asks to make Jo jealous. That's the one, Arizona says. They leave and Alex takes the document with him. 

Derek enters the research lab, where Callie tells him she's not talking to him. He says she only has to listen. He thinks she would share her technology if she understood what the brain mapping project could do. She says it's not sharing, he's stealing it. He starts drawing on a whiteboard while explaining what the brain mapping project does. She's not impressed and tells him to stop patronizing him as he's just saying his thing is more important than hers. He says he's only saying his thing feeds her thing, as his thing will revolutionize the understanding of what it means to be human. Yet, he would never have the sensors if it weren't for her thing, she yells. She calls himself and takes his whiteboard marker, drawing her own "diagram" that shows that he thinks of himself as the white hot center of the universe. "Also, it looks like a butthole. Either way, it works," she says.

Shane and Cristina enter Sheryll's room. Sheryll is pleased to meet her and tells her she was supposed to end up on a transplant list, but she heard about the success of Cristina's trial. Cristina realizes she's the patient Ross already spoke to her about earlier. She begs Cristina to take an exception. Cristina takes a listen to her heart and says she's well aside from a slight murmur. She tells her OB will monitor her cardiac function and page if there are any complications. She then asks Dr. Ross for a minute.

Outside the room, Ross starts apologizing as Cristina says it was out of line as she already said no. He knows it was wrong and she tells him Sheryll does not meet the criteria, it's that simple. She knows it's hard because they're dying kids with their own stories and lives and families. He points out Sheryll has no family, but Cristina tells him he's being too emotionally involved. He gave her hope and now it's going to be worse on her when he has to tell her no. They hear Sheryll moaning and she tells him to do his job.

Richard and Meredith enter Greg's room and he asks if they have his discharge papers. Richard doesn't and says he wants him to reconsider. He has to have the thing removed. Greg says people chuck stuff all the time, not knowing its values, and finding treasures in their trash is what Greg does. He didn't have to dig through anyone's yard sale crap to find this, as it's been inside him all along. His wife starts talking about how it has no value and Meredith agrees that just because it's rare, it doesn't mean it has value. Richard overthinks it all and says he's on Greg's side. People indeed throw things away too easily, he says, thinking about the retirement package. "They throw people out just like that. They're done with you and then they throw you out with the trash," he says. He says he's not going to do that, and while both Meredith and Jodi urge him to stop, he offers to remove the fetus in fetu but not to throw it in the trash. He'll throw it in a jar so Greg can take it home. It'll look better on a shelf than in his belly, Richard says, and he won't have that pain anymore. Jodi is disgusted at the idea, but Greg agrees. 

Callie points out her research is just as important as Derek's. He's talking about microscopic neurons while she is talking about giving a person the ability to walk again. She repeats he wouldn't have come up with the sensors if it weren't for her research. They were an answer he gave to her question. "But it was my answer!" he yells. He advises her to give up and she asks why. Because he has government lawyers now? She refuses to be bullied, but he yells she has no case. His name is on the material and on the patterns, they're his. She can hear it from him now or from a judge in court. He suggests she save her time and money. "Listen to me, as your friend, I'm sorry. I feel terrible," he says. She replies there's a reason he feels terrible. It's because it's the wrong thing to do and he knows it. He's not used to answering to people and now he has the President calling him on the phone and he's afraid to say no, even though he knows this is 100% wrong. "You're a good person, that's why you feel bad, 'cause you should," she says.

Cristina has found seven subjects for her trial and Owen is at looking at the scans with her. He comments it's gone fast. She says it is because she knows what she wants. She asks if he did the profile. He did not, as he spent the morning trying to fix this thing between Derek and Callie. She sits down behind her computer and says she'll do it for him. She asks him to describe himself. He refuses, so she fills in that he's stubborn. She adds smart and athletic. She types he's a busy professional seeking for someone who's also passionate about their work, someone who's... She asks him for some input. He wants someone who doesn't care to cook, or get out of bed when it's not a work day. She smiles as she realizes he's describing her. Someone who sleeps so soundly and peacefully that he has to check her pulse sometimes. Someone who suffered and understands suffering, he adds. She advises him to keep it more upbeat. "To the point that I don't have to say a word. She just looks at me and sees who I am, how I feel, accepts it. She doesn't try to change it, doesn't want to change it. That person," he finishes. He says there are a billion people out there, but he imagines there's only one her.

April and Jackson enter the conference room and she tells Catherine she wants to sign the documents. As Catherine is taking the papers, April says she has no pen. Jackson explains she does not have to actually sign it here. She has to send them to her lawyer and he'll confirm with their family lawyer. She will do. Catherine now wants to talk about children. They both want children. Catherine wants to know in which religious tradition they'll be raised. Jackson says they don't know that, which surprises April. She advises them to talk about it, as Avery children become Avery Foundation board members. She says the Foundation controls 480 million dollars in charitable funds for the advancement of medicine and that their children, when they are 15, will start sitting in on board meeting to begin to learn the business, like Jackson did. When they are 18, they will gain a seat on the board, becoming voting members. Catherine knows April is a born-again christian, presuming she is pro-life. April confirms and Catherine asks if she'll teach their children that pro-choice people, like their father and grandmother, will go to hell. April doesn't think anybody is going to hell, it's more complicated than that. "Will they stop supporting medical institutions that perform abortions or provide information about abortions like, for example, this hospital? Will they vote to stop supporting stem-cell research? We'd all like to think that the problem at the table is the meddling mother-in-law who didn't get to walk her son down the aisle, but I have built a massive institution with my blood and my sweat, and you will inherit it. And one day, your children will control it," she says. She gets up and yells she has the impression that neither of them has thought about what that means.

Bailey, Leah, Richard, and Meredith are removing the fetus in fetu, counting fingers. Stephanie is talking to Meredith and explains the bioengineer would really like to use the printer. Meredith asks why, and she says it's why he's here. And as long as Meredith won't let him do anything, she can't be in the OR. As Meredith says no and Stephanie leaves, the surgeons see a lung and a teeth. Then everyone gets excited as Bailey spots the spinal column, with every vertebrae. Leah wants to know what Richard said to make Greg give his consent. "He promised him a doggy bag," Meredith says. Bailey can't believe that, but he defends himself, saying that it's part of him and that he should be able to have and share it. He says you shouldn't hide it in a basement to let it rot away. You have to share it and let people benefit from it, because if you do, you could change the face of medicine.

Jackson is yelling at his mother and says he'll say it one more time. This relationship is not new, the decision was not rash, and she just feels that way because she didn't get to weigh in on it. That's because she didn't include him in it, just like everything else in his life, she replies. He yells he does not have to include her as she always includes herself in everything. April yells at them to stop. She says that Catherine is right. There are a lot of things they haven't figured out yet, but she and Jackson will figure them out. If Catherine thinks she is judging her or anyone else because of her beliefs, she is sorry because she's not, that is not her. She would love to talk about it with her some time, but if it's their children she's so concerned about, if they disagree with her on some things, if that's not okay, then she should maybe restructure the board? She confesses she doesn't know how it all works. "Clearly," Catherine says. The point is that there will be a way to figure it out, April thinks. They did something that was not responsible, but they did it because they love each other and they want to spend every day together until they die. She apologizes to Catherine. Jackson doesn't think that's necessary, but April says it is and points out that they got married and all she got was a phone call after it was over. She would kill her kids with her bare hands if they pull something like that on her. She realizes they made a huge mess, in which they hurt Matthew and Stephanie, and last but not least, Catherine. She apologizes again and promises she'll spend years trying to make it up to her. She urges Jackson to apologize to his mother. He walks towards her and asks her to stand up. She does so as April waits in the doorway. He states he really loves April and apologizes. "You could have had grandma's cake topper," a crying Catherine says. He hugs her and says he's sure the cake topper is lovely. She hugs back after slapping his face.

Sheryll is giving birth as Shane walks into the room. She swears she can't do. Shane takes place next to her and she begs someone to call her mother. She wants Shane to call her mother to tell her she's sorry and that she needs her really, really badly. Shane promises they'll call her but right now she has to do this on her own. After three more pushes, the OB delivers the baby. She shows the crying baby to Sheryll.

Derek is video calling Lloyd at the NIH, but Lloyd still can't see him because Derek has no cam yet. He informs Lloyd he has Callie Torres with him, with whom he developed the sensors. Callie waves and greets Lloyd, but Derek reminds her he can't see her. Derek says he's afraid the whole proprietary isn't going to work as his work with Callie has to continue with their sensors. Before they continue to talk, Lloyd wants to introduce him to some folks sitting in the room. Gary Neal, director of the N.I.B.S., Sid Garret, presidential liaison for the bioethics committee, Robin Marks of the European brain initiative and of course Linda McCrary. While introducing them, Derek writes "bullies" on a post-it and shows it to Callie. Derek is glad they're all there, as it effects all of them. He explains to Lloyd that there work to map the brain is like the brain itself. It depends upon connections, our innovation and inspiration of other scientists, like Dr. Torres, in millions of others. If they have a policy that thwarts innovation, then they're stopping before they even started. "It's a fundamentally wrong approach and I can't support it," Derek says, with Callie heavily nodding. Derek says they are willing to share their sensors with them, but only if everybody's research continues. Lloyd says that his contract is very clear: they have sole right to his sensors, or he is out. "Then I am out," Derek says, much pleasing Callie. Lloyd starts object, naming the President. Derek says he can tell the President or he should get him on the phone so Derek can tell him himself. Either the policy goes, or he goes. After some consideration, Lloyd agrees to find a way to share. As Callie does a victory dance, Derek thanks Lloyd and promises they'll talk later. She high-fives Derek.

Leah, Richard and Bailey enters Greg's room where Richard greets Greg and Jodi. Bailey is pleased that everything went very well. Greg reminds them what they promised and asks them to "cough it up". Leah shows him a white bucket. Greg thanks them and then lifts the lid on the bucket. A horrified Greg freaks out at what he sees in the bucket and begs them to take it away. Jodi calls him a stupid idiot.  

As Richard walks out with the bucket, Bailey asks if he wants her to take it back to pathology. He doesn't, it's his birthday present. Speaking of which, he guesses he'll see her in about half an hour. She says he's making her feel bad, if she'd known he wanted a party... She asks him to come to dinner with her and Ben though, but he was just joking. He tells her to have fun and walks off. She congratulates him once again.

Stephanie and Eric are watching the printer in action. Meredith comes in and tells Edwards that she had one job. Stephanie says they were just looking at Eric's designs, which actually are kind of amazing. Meredith tells Eric, who thinks he's totally fired, that this was her mother's project, which she now took over, so it's kinda like her family heirloom. He gets it. She says it's like her baby and she failed it, which is not okay, because other people's babies are growing, thriving, saving lives, getting pats on the backs from presidents. And hers is sitting in a basement, and they need to change that. He hears she said we, which Stephanie thinks is a good sign that he won't be fired. She tells him to have a seat. Before he starts printing, she wants to go over a couple of things with him. She starts explaining the history of the trial.

Sheryll is amazed by her baby and she asks Shane if he's telling her the baby will have to grow up without a mother. He says there are other options. She could get on the transplant list, or maybe the next phases of the trial will be more inclusive. Sheryll wants this one, but Shane apologizes and says she doesn't meet the criteria. He advises her to call her mother, as she'll be worried about her.

Richard and Catherine are walking to a restaurant. She's really proud of her boy for having the stones to stand up and ask for true love, which is scary. Of course, she'll never tell him that. He hums and she asks what's wrong with him, as he's been quite all the way there. She thinks he's sad because no one celebrated his birthday, but he claims he's not a child. He reveals Hunt has tried to push him into retirement, beginning the day by handing him directions to the pasture. "You told him where to stick it, right?" she asks. He didn't. She asks him not to slow down on her now, as she's ready to begin the next part of her life and she thought she'd be doing it with him. If he's not ready for that, he better step aside and if he is... He interrupts her by kissing her. She proposes they get inside. "Now smile, and act surprised," she says.

She pulls him inside, where all of his friends and colleagues are waiting for him and yell "Surprise!" as they come in. They all congratulate him and start applauding. He's totally surprised and kisses Catherine to thank her for throwing him the party. Richard can't believe Bailey looked right into his eye and lied to him. "But it didn't count because you were being stupid," Bailey says. They all laugh and she takes his present. Derek comes in late and congratulates him. He walks up to the bar table where Arizona and Meredith are standing. Meredith heard Jackson put together a committee to look into this thing between him and Callie. Callie now appears too and says they can tell him to stop. Derek and Callie agree to get a drink. Arizona asks what happened. "We overthrew the government today! I'm thirsty," Callie says. She leaves to get a drink, leaving Meredith and Arizona confused over she meant.

Cristina meets Shane at the bar and asks him how he's doing. He's okay, but better once he'll have drunk his drink. He walks away, so she walks up to Owen to tell him women love him. He's had over 20 responses on his profile, she narrowed it down to 10. She tells him to look those over and pick 3 for coffee dates. He looks at their pictures, but tells her he's now going to talk to Webber and after that, he proposes they get out of here. She could wait for him here or they could meet back at her place. They smile at each other and he walks off.

Alex kisses Jo, who's sitting at the bar. He says he could get into trouble for that, and he doesn't want to. He shows her the contract again and says the document is not a promise. If she wants a promise, he can promise her this: she can't count on him, because stuff happens. Houses burn, cars crash, people get sick, one of them could die tomorrow. He promises her she can't count on anything, but the document makes it so he can kiss her whenever he wants to. He doesn't want to run around and hide, he wants to kiss her when he wants to. She takes a pen and signs the document. They kiss.

Catherine and Richard shortly greet Jackson and April, who are sitting at a table by themselves, and then sit down at their own table. April tells Jackson she knows what religious tradition she wants to bring her kids up in. It's important to her that they are christian and she thought he knew that. It's a little weird for him that his kids would have different beliefs than his. She doesn't understand the board meeting at the age of 15, as she pictured her kids in 4-H, because she claims it's important they're comfortable around livestock. He questions this, as they'll ride horses in boarding school. "They're going to boarding school?!" she asks.

Owen sits down at Richard and Catherine's table. Owen comes back to this morning, when he told Richard they'd talk about his surgical schedule. Richard is surprised he wants to do this now, on his birthday, and he tells him he's not retiring. Owen didn't want to, he wanted to appoint him director of the residency program. He'll be in charge of all the decisions regarding the educational arm of the hospital. Owen can teach, he's good at it, but Richard brings something to it that he just can't. "What's that?" Richard asks. "You," Owen says, and he leaves him time to think about it.

Leah draws everyone's attention, wanting to make a toast to Dr. Webber. Jo interrupts, wanting to make a toast as well. "Not before I finish mine," Stephanie says. "While you guys fight it out, I just wanted to say that I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Dr. Webber," Shane says. He thanks Richard and they all toast. He stands up and calls cheers. They all raise their glass for him. He sits back down. "Residency director, huh?" he asks Owen, who affirms. He'll think about, he smilingly says. Catherine laughs and pats his head.


Main Cast[]

Guest Stars[]


Medical Notes[]

Greg Penderglass[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Fetus in Fetu
  • Treatment:
    • Surgical removal

Greg came in, newly insured, with abdominal pain he'd been experiencing off and on for a least ten years. Miranda Bailey found a mass in his abdomen, which they identified as fetus in fetu, an absorbed twin. Greg was reluctant to let them remove it, but after Richard said they'd let him have it after it was removed, he agreed. However, upon seeing the removed fetus, he screamed and asked them to take it away.

Sheryll Jeffries[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
    • Pregnancy
  • Treatment:
    • Delivery
    • Being put on the donor list

Sheryll came in to see Shane Ross, who was interviewing candidates for Cristina's surgical trial. Unfortunately, he had to tell her that she was too old. She had had previous heart surgeries which failed to correct the problem. She assumed she was going to die, so she made some reckless decisions, which led to her getting pregnant. Finding out she was pregnant made her want to live so her baby can have a mom, so she sought out Cristina's trial. However, she didn't qualify, so she had to be put on a heart transplant list.

Will Mitchell[]

  • Diagnosis:
  • Treatment:
    • Sensor removal

Derek mentioned that he was meant to be removing Will Mitchell's sensors.

Arizona's Patient[]

  • Diagnosis:
    • Acid Reflux
  • Treatment:
    • Transoral Fundoplication


Song Performer Scene
"I'm So Excited" (originally by The Pointer Sisters) Le Tigre
  • Bailey and Arizona wish Richard a happy birthday.
  • Richard grills them about birthday plans.
  • Owen gives Richard a packet from HR about retirement.
"How Will I Know?" (originally by Whitney Houston) Sam Smith
  • Callie and Derek fight about the sensors
  • Owen and Cristina talk about him online dating and she sets up a profile for him.
  • He describes the kind of woman he wants.
  • April tells Catherine she'll sign the post-nuptial agreement.
  • April and Jackson discuss their future with Catherine.
"Something About You" (originally by Level 42) Correatown
  • April and Jackson apologize to Catherine.
  • Sheryll calls for her mother while giving birth.
  • Shane coaches her as she delivers her baby.
"Kiss on My List" (originally by Hall & Oates) The Family Crest
  • Meredith tells Eric and Stephanie how she has to get her research out of the basement.
  • Sheryll looks at her newborn and talks about her options with Shane.
  • Catherine and Richard arrive at the restaurant for Richard's surprise party.
  • Derek and Callie enter the party and talk to their wives.
  • Cristina talks to Shane and then Owen.
  • Alex convinces Jo to sign the relationship contract. 
  • April and Jackson disagree about their future kids.
  • Owen asks Richard to be director of the residency program.
  • The residents toast Richard.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • This episode's title originated from the song We Gotta Get Out of This Place, originally sung by The Animals.
  • This episode scored 8.09 million viewers.[1]
  • The table read for this episode took place on January 10, 2014.[2]
  • Filming for this episode was scheduled from January 14 to January 25, 2014.[source?]


Episode Stills[]


April: How long does it take to wash one, like 10 seconds?
Jackson: Look, I don't like a filthy kitchen, either. Dirty cereal bowls in the sink aren't gonna exactly tip the scales.
April: Oh, my Jesus.
Jackson: Well, now that he's in the conversation, I'll make sure to clean the bowls tonight.

Jo: A love contract? Where did Grey get this? Zola's Barbie dream house?

Jackson: This is totally inappropriate.
Catherine: What's inappropriate is the engagement was 15 minutes at a rest stop on the turnpike.

Callie: (to Meredith) I hate your husband.
Arizona: Owen said not to talk about it.
Callie: I'm not. I'm talking to myself. I hate Derek Shepherd. Really? Why? Oh, 'cause he's an arrogant, stealing bastard. I totally agree.
Cristina: Do you ladies think she's hot?
Arizona: Yeah, very.
Callie: And now I hate you.

Callie: Let me show you a diagram. This is you.
Derek: I'm an asterisk?
Callie: No. You think you are the white-hot center of the universe. Also, it looks like a butthole. Either way, it works.

Derek: My name is on the material, and my name is on the patents. They're mine. You can hear it from me now or you can hear it from a judge in court. My suggestion is to save your time and money. Listen to me as your friend. I'm sorry. I feel terrible.
Callie: There's a reason you feel terrible. It's 'cause it's the wrong thing to do, and you know it. You're not used to answering to people, and now you have the president himself calling you on the phone. And you're afraid to say no, even though you know this is 100% wrong. You're a good person. That's why you feel bad, 'cause you should.

(setting up a profile for Owen)
Cristina: Describe yourself.
Owen: No.
Cristina: "Stubborn".
Owen: Listen, I'm not being stubborn. I'm just...
Cristina: "Smart, athletic".
Owen: Listen, I'm too busy to...
Cristina: "A busy professional seeks" What?
Owen: Nothing. I seek nothing.
Cristina: Ah, "seeks same, someone who is passionate about her work. Someone who's" Come on. What?
Owen: Fine. Fine. Um, someone who doesn't care to cook or get out of bed when it's not a work day. Someone who sleeps so soundly and peacefully that I have to check her pulse sometimes. Someone who's suffered and understands suffering.
Cristina: I'd keep it more upbeat.
Owen: To the point that I don't have to say a word. She just she just looks at me and sees who I am and how I feel and accepts it. You know, she doesn't try to change it, doesn't want to change it. That person. There's a billion people out there. But I imagine there's only one her.

April: We did something that wasn't responsible, but we did it because we love each other and we want to spend every day together until we die. I am sorry.
Jackson: No, you don't have to apologize to her.
April: I do. I do. We got married. We had a wedding, and all she got was a phone call after it was over. If our kids do that, I will I will kill them with my bare hands.

Derek: Lloyd, our work to map the brain is like the brain itself. It's dependent upon connections, our innovation and inspiration of scientists like Dr. Torres and millions of others. If we have a policy that thwarts innovation, then we're stopping before we even start.

Richard: Hunt's trying to push me into retirement.
Catherine: What?
Richard: He started the day by handing me directions to the pasture.
Catherine: And you told him where to stick it, right?

Callie: We overthrew the government today! We're thirsty.

Alex: This isn't a promise of anything. You want a promise? I can promise you this You can't count on me, 'cause stuff happens, you know? Houses burn. Cars crash. People get sick. One of us could die tomorrow. I promise you cannot count on anything, but this makes it so I can kiss you whenever I want to. I don't want the stupid running around and hiding. I want to kiss you when I want to kiss you.

See Also[]

A complete overview of this episode's crew can be found here.

